S2 PT6: Tranquility

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Olga stands outside, checking her phone. And your comments too, mafakas.

"Carzilla2009, sadly, its a little too late for that... But maybe i could play a trick like that on Uzi in episode 6.

Good suggestion anyway... lets go back to N and V."

"Alright. Erm, Moronbot. What do you want to do..?"

"I dont know! You tell me, you suggested some time alone. :)"

The wooden cabin's interior is dimly lit up with a primitive lamp that V just turned on. Robo-jesus... V didn't sign up for this, but she cares for N. Anything BUT letting Uzi and N meet up.

N happily looks at his crush. He is frozen in anticipiation. V never suggested some private time... alone.

Just the 2 of them. And no one else! Well, except for Olga outside, trying to spy on them. But he doesn't know about her.

V rolls her eyes and simply lets N lie down beside her. N excitedly crawls on the bed and crashes beside V. He starts to nervously look at her. A small smile playing on his lips.

"Well um, what now?" Tail rattling rapidly

"I. I don't know."

The 2 share an awkward moment of silence. Before V speaks up.

"Who do you think could be doing all that?" Narrows eyes

"What exactly?" Curiously

"You know... These random... occurances. Like objects getting misplaced when we're away from the spire. And like, how i just got shot in my leg." Turns head to N

"We discussed that already V! I'm pretty sure it was the absolute solver or something." Cheerfully

"Why would it NEED to do that? If it was the solver, we'd get injured way more often, it's as if it isn't even trying to hurt us."

V thinks for a moment.

"It's as if it's trying to get us closer together."

N turns away from V.

N also starts to think about it. It is true. Once, at the spire, when N returned from a hunt, he saw a cozy nice makeshift bed located right inside their landing pod.
Its a shame V tgrew it away thinking it could be filled with dynamite. Because to quote V, "Who would even gift us something without the intent to neutralize?"
Or how he always felt someone's presence while being near V. Not just V's presence, but an unknown person's too. Looking at him and V...
Yet, no matter how hard he tried to find them, that someone was probably just his paranoia of the solver. A phantom that doesn't exist. And he feels it right now too. But that phantom "threat" as V sees it, never tried to actually KILL him or V.

N turns back to V.

"Well. This does seem a little... complicated! Ha...ha...?"

V sighs.

"Yeah. It is."

N caresses her cheek.

"Remember what i said! No matter what we'll face..." cheerfully

"We'll face it together. Yeah yeah." Mumbles

N begins to blush as he leans in closer to V.

"Say, did you ever envision us as anything more than teammates and friends?"

V is pretty astonished by N's boldness. He must've grown some balls of titanium to actually openly ask that, N would normally become a blushing messy bucket of nuts n' bolts, unable to form a coherent sentence, trying to tell V anything. V can't tell N that she DID. She doesn't want to get close with N again, like back then in the manor. As much as she actually DOES want to, she mustn't. For reasons. She gotta protect N. Protect from the solver. She is still pretty traumatised from the time she killed N herself. If they stay away from each other, in her vision, the solver won't have anywhere to strike N from. Because betrayal hurts the most. The solver intends to use human... or in our case, drone feelings and emotions, love against its own foes. If N will be isolated... and there will be no ONE who is close to N in any way... N will be safe.

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