Chapter 2 "The Man."

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"Ey jo I know you in there open up." Ira yells from outside my room door. I grab my phone to check the time. 6:12 "Bitch its barley been 6 o'clock let me sleep. "Nope not happening." I hear metal starching against my door handle, and Ira bursts in sliding her bobby pin back into her hair. "I never should have taught you how to pick a lock." I burrow my head into my pillow too tired to move.

"Well, you did and unfortunately a time turner doesn't exist in the real world so get you but out of bed." "Nooooo" I groan into my pillow; I hate getting up early since was probably out late on a mission the previous night but today I was just lazy and did not want to get out of bed.

"I'll take you to get drinks." I quickly lift my head up from my pillow and look at her. "You know me too well." Jumping up from the bed I grab a black and green Slytherin T-shirt and black jeans fixing my hair. "Why is it that drinks are the only thing that get you out of bed?"

"Girl I'm a professional assassin that is also a princess that has to follow more then 100 rules for just drinking a cup of tea."

"Fair enough." I grab my backpack and walk to the balcony. "We gunna jump or use the door?" "Stupid question." Ira stands back running and jumping over the railing doing a rill as she hits the ground. "SHOW OFF." I hear her giggle as I stand back and take a deep breath.

I run and jump doing a roll as I hit the ground ending in a spiderman pose. "And you call me a show off." I smile at her standing up adjusting my backpack." "What's even in there?" I take of the backpack and open it showing the stacks of cash inside. $300000, did it for a man that apparently got married to an immortal, Let's just say his Ex wasn't too happy."

"We look at each other and then at the Huge tall rock wall far in the distance. "You think he's going to come here or wait for you." "I don't know he might wait for me but it's better to just stay safe, you got your gun?"

"Yip." she slightly lifts up her t-shirt to show her handgun int its holster in her hip. "Ok good." I take my gun out of the backpack making sure none of the guards see me.

"Alright let's go." Ira nods and starts walking down the path taking a sharp turn heading to the shed behind the garden. "Key please." She holds out her hand for me to place the key on it. I roll my eyes taking my necklace out of my shirt detaching the key and handing it to her. "I gave you a key to the shed two days ago Ira how on earth did you lose it again."

"I dropped it on a mission ok but It's probably still there where I dropped it, so I'll go and get it later." she unlocks the tiny side shed revealing a two motorbikes ready for action.

I hop onto the black and silver one and she gets on the red and black one. "Whiskey here I come." Ira chuckles starting the bike. "Race you there?" "Oh, you know it bitch."

I start my bike riding out with Ira next to me. The load roar of the engine and the wind whistling in my ears made me feel alive, one of the only things that made me feel free and not trapped in a castle because of a king who decides everything for everyone. A ruler.

I turn of the engine stopping in front of a bar and Ira comes riding along close after. "I beat you again." "Only because I got pulled down and you were let go because your royalty."

"Ok that's beside the point ok you kept going like 100kmph you're not going to get anywhere with that speed."

"Ok first off all that's not true that's like really fast but you got a point to escape a scene you need to ad least go like 200kmph or your pretty much dead." "See I told you."

We walk up to the bar doors and get greeted by an eerie man. A client actually. "Kira." I greet him with a cold nod and walk through the doors. Bearley any of my clients know I'm the princess and id liked to keep it that way, so I created a new identity, but unfortunately some people have found out.

Heading to the bar keeper. Another Client. "Morning Cash."

"Princess." He greets handing me a whiskey and a beer for Ira. There aren't a lot of people here this time of day. Mostly people that don't have jobs. So, it's the perfect time for me to relax and enjoy some whiskey. The aren't many windows in this place only a few at the back so most of the light is artificial and there aren't many of those either, only a few at the front and two small ones at the back. So, the place had a medieval feel to it. the music was ....ok.. not my favorite but it was bearable. Ira's phone breaks the calm silence. "Ugh one of the clients want me to do a job right now." I take a slow deliberate sip. "Go and get it done with it doesn't help staling the bring down the money amount when you do that.

"Al right but don't do anything stupid while I'm gone ok." She shots the rest of her beer and placing the bottle on the counter. "Can't make any promises." She rolls her eyes walking out.

I sit in silence closing my eyes resting with my whiskey glass in my hand when I hear footsteps heading mt way. "Tired?" I open my eyes to see a tall man now sitting next to me with a cloth to cover his face which isn't that uncommon in this kingdom.

"You could say that." I down my whiskey all in one. "That motorbike outside that yours?"

"Yeah, why do you ask." I prop my feet up on the counter and Cash the bartender sees the familiar gesture and pours me a glass of vodka. "I didn't see a helmet." I take the vodka and sip on it letting the liquid burn my throat. "I forgot it at home." actually my helmet got busted one of my missions. "You mean at the castle." I pinch my nose bridge. Yay another person that knows. "Yeah, at the castle."

"I heard about the failed mission on the other side of the wall." I turn my head to him. Now's he's got my attention. "How do you know about that." He hands me a folded piece of paper. "I work for the guards on the other side. I move my hand closer to my gun. "Relax, I'm the only one that knows, and I don't plan on telling the others." there was a pause. I knew what's to come. "But I need you to do me a Favour." I don't move my hand. "Stay away from the prince and I'll leave you alone. "Fine you've got my word." I shot the rest of my vodka and take my feet down for the counter.

"Good." He gets up. "And remeber, If you dont keep to that promise. Ill do somthing ,uch worse that kill you. I scoff. "What are you going to rape me, I'll stick a dagger in your abdomen before you could even think of touching me."

"Oh, my dearest princess I don't intend to do that, but your father has been looking for ways to unite the immortals and humans. He leans into whisper in my ear. "And the kings wife died two years ago."

Not a lot of things made me angry or scared but something that did was an arranged marriage. That made me quiver and it seems this man knows about it. Everything was suddenly silent only the sound of the strange man's footsteps remained walking to door. All I could think was.


Hey guys I'm so sorry this took so long I'm kinda more focused on Cap's Secret Love and I'm behind on that one too but I just decided to write and this is the shit my head came up with so hope you enjoyed.

God loves you ❣️

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