Chapter 2

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Heathers pov:

I walked back to my dorm with my friends. Tonight, Geoff was having his usual weekly get together in his dorm, so we were heading back to get ready.

"Courtney!" I yelled from the bathroom.

"What's up?" She asked, running in.

I shared a dorm house with Courtney, Lindsay and Bridgette and next door was Gwen, Leshawna, Sierra and Izzy.

"Help me zip this dress up!" I yelled, getting frustrated.

"Okay, okay! Come here!" She said, zipping it up.

"Thanks!" I say, sighing in relief.

"Heather, we need to go!" Bridgette shouted.

"What!" I say, checking my phone. "I didn't even notice the time!" I add.

"Come on!" Courtney says whilst dragging me out of the bathroom.

I was wearing a deep red sequinned dress with black heels. Courtney was wearing a sage green dress with black tights and matching shoes. Bridgette was wearing a light blue dress with her hair in a bun and white heels. And, Lindsay was wearing a pink lacy dress.


Alejandro, Geoff, Duncan & Geoffs dorm:

Alejandro's pov:

I got a frantic test around 4pm from Geoff saying I needed to set up for a party? I only had an hour, so I got myself ready and set up some snacks and drinks. Once I finished, I waited in the living room and, eventually, the boys came home to get ready.

"Alejandro, can you get the door?" Duncan yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah!" I say, walking over to the door and opening it.

I unlocked the door to see Heather, Courtney, Bridgette and Lindsay. Heather looked stunning. I found myself staring at her.

"Uhm, are you gonna let us in?" Bridgette asks.

"Oh, sorry yeah." I say, stepping to the side to let them in.

"Thanks!" Courtney says as all 4 of them head over to the kitchen.

I follow behind and notice Courtney and Bridgette go over to their boyfriends whilst Heather just stands there awkwardly.

"Awkward, huh?" I say as I stand next to her.

"Mhm." She says frowning.

"Heather, right?" I ask.

"Yeah." She says, still watching the couples.

"No boyfriend i'm guessing?" I ask.

"Nope. My last boyfriend was a douche." She says, laughing in her speech.

"So, not looking to date anyone new?" I say, smirking and winking at her.

"No! And I don't even know you!" She says, shrugging.

"Relax! I was joking!" I say, laughing.

"Idiot." She mumbles before walking towards the kitchen.

"I heard that!" I say, smirking as she turns around to face me.

"Fuck you!" She shouts before disappearing into the kitchen with me following behind.

"Duncan, truth or dare?" Geoff asks.

"Dare, I ain't no baby." He replies.

"7 minutes. In your room. With Courtney." Geoff says, snickering.

"Easy." He says, grabbing Courtney's hand and running off towards the bedroom.

"Well, we all know they won't be back for a while." Bridgette says, laughing.

"I wish Tyler was here!" Lindsay says, a frown appearing on her usually happy face.

"Go find him then." Duncan says.

"Okay then! Bye guys!" She says, running out of the dorm.

"She'll never change." Heather says.

I look over to see Geoff pouring shots.

"Uhm, Geoff, aren't we underage?" I ask.

"Who cares! I'm the life of the party! Yolo!" He says, drinking a shot and then passing me one.

I looked at it for a second. I only rarely had alcohol and i've especially never had it at school.

"Come on, dude! What are you waiting for?" Geoff asks.

"Fuck it." I say, downing the shot.

"Yes man!" Geoff cheers.

"Pass me one." Heather says.

"Okay!" Geoff says, pouring another and passing it to Heather.

Heather takes it and down it, squinting at the taste and putting the cup down.

"Ew, what was that? It was vile." She says.

"The usual?" Geoff says.

"It tastes weird. Never having that again." She said while walking into the living room and sitting down.

I follow her and sit down next to her.

"What do you want?" She asks.

"Wanna go for a walk?" I ask.

"Uhm...sure?" She says as we get up and leave.

We begin walking down the path between all the dorm houses.

"So, tell me about you." I say.

"Uhm okay...i'm 18, Courtney's my best friend, same with Bridgette and Lindsay, i've been single for like 2 years and uh I guess I wanna do well at school but I struggle a bit because of stuff that happened in high school." She says.

"What happened in high school, if you don't mind me asking?" I say.

"Well uh..." She says, taking a deep breath.


Woah! Btw this story will have 22 parts so be prepared!

- Fau ☆

774 words.

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