Chapter 1

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Alejandro's pov:

I walked down the corridor to my first class of the day. As I approached the door, I stopped and made sure I looked okay. Then, I knocked on the door.

"Ah! Hello! I'm Miss Hays! Come in!" The teacher said whilst smiling at me.

"Thanks!" I say, walking inside.

"Everyone listen up! We have a new student joining us today!" She says as all the class lift up their heads.

"Hey, I'm Alejandro!" I say, giving them a small wave.

I observe everyone in the class and notice a girl, sitting towards the back with black hair, who catches my eye. She seemed to be messing around with something under the table.

"Ehem! Heather, say hello please." Miss Hays says.

So that was her name, Heather.

"Hi." She says, still looking down.

"Also, phone on my desk please." Miss adds.

"Whatever." Heather says, getting up, putting the phone on the desk, then going back and slumping in her seat.

"Alejandro, take a seat next to Heather." Miss Hays says as I go and take a seat.

A few minutes after i've sat down, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Heather looking at me.

"Pass this to Courtney. Do not open it." She says while glaring at me.

"Who's Courtney?" I ask.

"The girl at the other side of you." Heather says, rolling her eyes.

"Alright." I say, tapping Courtney's shoulder.

"Hm?" She says.

"Here, from Heather." I say smiling.

"Thanks!" She said, taking the note and reading it, then laughing a bit before turning to look at Heather with an eyebrow raised.

"What?! It's true!" Heather whispered.

Then, the bell went. I put away my stuff and got up to leave. As I was walking down the corridor, 3 guys caught me up.

"Yo, dude! Come sit with us for lunch!" A blonde boy said to me.

"Yeah, sit with us!" Another with a green mohawk said.

"Guys! You haven't even introduced yourselves!" A tall boy said. "I'm DJ!" He added.

"Sorry, man! I'm Geoff!" The blonde one said.

"I'm Duncan." The one with the mohawk said.

"Nice to meet you all!" I said.

"What dorm did you get?" DJ asked me.

"Uhh, room 247!" I say as I look down at the paper in my hands.

"That's our room! Welcome to the club!" Geoff says.

"Thanks!" I say as we walk into the cafeteria.

We sit down at a table with a few other guys.

"Guys! This is Alejandro! He's new here!" Geoff says as I say hello.

"Hey! I'm Trent!" The black haired boy says.

"I'm Tyler!" A boy dressed in a red tracksuit says.

We all sit chatting when someone comes over. A blonde hair girl wearing a short skirt and crop top.

"Tyler!" She says, running over to him and sitting down.

"Hey, Linds!" He says, giving her a quick kiss.

"Who's this?" She asks.

"I'm Alejandro. Nice to meet you." I say.

"Ohhh! Hiii!" She says, smiling.

"This is my girlfriend, Lindsay." Tyler says.

"I figured! So, any of you guys got a girlfriend?" I ask, a smirk on my face.

"Yeah. Courtney, over there." Duncan says.

"Ah! I've met her already today in class!" I say, laughing a bit.

"My girls Gwen. She's the one with the blue hair over there." Trent says.

"My girlfriends sat over there with the blonde ponytail. Her names Bridgette!" He says, excitedly.

"So, man, you dating anyone?" Tyler asks.

"Nope." I say.

"How do you not have a girlfriend!?" Duncan asks, shocked.

"I don't know. Most girls back in Spain just flock me for my looks." I say as my eyes go over to where Heather was sat.

"Who are you gawking at?" Trent asks.

"Yoooo are you crushing on Heather?" Geoff asks.

"Of course not." I say.

"Sure, dude, sure." Duncan says.

"Anyways, since it's Friday, we finish early! Let's head to the dorm now to get Alejandro settled in!" Geoff says.

We all get up and begin walking down the corridor towards a door that leads out into the area with the dorm buildings.

"Here we are! Room 247!" Geoff says.

I walked in and the showed me around. Then, they pointed to a room.

"That rooms all yours!" DJ says.

"Thanks!" I say, going over to the room and heading inside.

"We're heading to football practice! Tryouts are on Friday if you're interested! Cya!" Duncan shouts.

"Thanks!" I shout back as I begin unpacking my things.

I was putting some stuff into my wardrobe when I heard some people outside. I looked out of the window and saw a group of girls, one being Heather. She was really pretty...wait...pretend I didn't think that.


First part of my new story! Hope you enjoyed!

- Fau ☆

788 words

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