Chapter 1 "Mission fail"

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"No no no" I yell at myself as I doge gunshots. I roll over a table jumping through a window escaping the scene. It didn't happen often that I would fail a mission, so this was torture to me. I had him gun to the head, but I couldn't pull the trigger It's like my body wouldn't let me.

"GET HER" I heard someone yell as I ran away with the blood trickling down my forehead. It was going to be hard hiding this from my parents, good thing I stole some medicine from the immortal's base on the way out. I get to my beloved royal castle heading to the secret shed behind the garden, I take the key to my necklace and unlock the door revealing a modern-looking space with guns and knives nicely displayed on the wall with a table a reading corner, and many cabinets holding either alive or dead targets information and a bathroom.

I take off all my knives and guns putting them on a cloth preparing to clean the blood off them. I get undressed hoping into the shower letting the warm water wash away the blood. I get out and throw on jeans and a T-shirt. I wipe away the blood from my knives and the drops on my guns, with Taylor Swift's Reputation album playing in the background.

" Ooooo look what you made me do look what you made me look what you just made me do look what you just made me do." I sing when I get interrupted by my phone ringing. It was my best friend, Ira, we met two years ago when we got the same target and have been working together since.


"Hey Ira."

"No don't you hey Ira me you just messed up a very important mission Evelyn."

"I know I know I messed up, but I don't understand why though I hand him the gun was on his head, but I couldn't pull the trigger."

"Hmm weird It might have been a mind trick those Immortals can apparently do that."

"Alright I should get going Its almost my mother's daily teatime."

"Ok Eve talk to you later." She says hanging up

My mother had the habit of calling me to the living castle living room to tell me what the other Queens and maids had been up to telling me how "problematic," they are as she put it. but sometimes it would help me with target information but that was rare. I get into a huge red ballgown and walk over to the castle. The castle was located on a big hill away from all the people. I was walking back to the Castle when I hear a familiar voice. "Lady Evelyn." it was the dukes eldest son. He had the biggest crush on me since we were little and was convinced, I would fall for him over time but honestly, I wasn't interested in love I had never had feelings for a boy before never had a crush before never felt love but apparently, I was Supposed to like him. "Sir Richard." I answer him coldly not wanting to in gage in small talk.

"Your Majesty has called you to the living room, she looked quite exited so I would mentally prepare myself if I where you." He wasn't bad looking or anything just not my type.

"Yes I will do so, we all know how she can go on and on about her drama." I say giving into my English accent that I hide when on missions."
"Yes , but you should really get going we can't have the queen waiting to long." His smile was warm, but not warm enough to make me melt after all my hobbies include death and blood.

I give him a small nod walking to the castle as prim and proper as I could. I walk down the hallway not making a noise.

"Evelyn Hi please sit down sweetheart I need to tell you what happened." I sit down on the sofa taking a cup of tea from the maid as she starts. First it was about the Enemy and how the kings wife cheated on him and then about a princess who got married as she continued she came to the part that snapped me out of my deep thoughts. "Apparently there was a maid from the nabouring country who had been attacked by a immortal." I snap my head up to my mother as a grin spreads across her face.

"She claims she was sitting on a bench when an immortal had come up to her and asked her about that deadly assassin and when she said she doesn't know anything he threatened to kill her."

"Interesting." I say taking a sip of my tea. Just then my father walks in taking to my mother.
I couldn't really hear what he was saying I was stressed about the immortal, what if he found out about me or Ira.

By the time I snapped back to my senses I was alone in the room. I get up walking out and up to my room where I found a note on my bed.

Hey moron it's me Ira I had a target to take care of but I thought I should just let you know I saw a suspicious looking guy outside so be careful Sincerely: the better assassin.

I smile at the note knowing she probably put the note there 5 minutes ago , but what was that immortal doing here , does he know who I am or is he looking for the assassin who had just attacked him earlier.

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