A few weeks before...

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   The terrible truth that Sunny could no longer keep to himself was now known to everyone. Now everyone knew about the fight between sister and brother, about the fall and about the fake suicide. Sunny confessed and left town literally the next day. It seems that he was able to forgive himself and accept the fact that Mari is dead, and no one blames him for this. His soul still felt bitter, but now, at least, he did not want to fall asleep for forever in an attempt to escape from problems.

Those who remained in Faraway Town did not have such a pleasant feeling of forgiveness for their terrible deeds. Each of them thought about what had happened and the truth over and over again. Aubrey, Hero, Kel, and Basil tried to accept the truth. Probably, it was Hero who hurt the most. All this time, he thought that he could not notice the alarm bells and the death of someone as good as Mari was only his fault, but it turned out that she did not kill herself at all!

It was hard for the rest of the gang too. Aubrey cried, remembering all the moments with Mari in her head, but she always calmed down, realizing that the past was long behind her and no matter how painful it was, it could not be returned. Kel felt just as bad.

All this time he always tried to smile, tried to remain cheerful for the sake of others. He doesn't want to lose anyone else, right? But then the truth hit him like a stone on the head, smashing his skull into blood. It was somehow restless inside. It was as if worms were eating the heart. He looked at Sunny, and his face was covered with warm tears. There were only questions in the head and no answers.
Why did he hide it for so long? Why didn't he talk to us? Why didn't he tell anyone?
It was all just tearing him apart from the inside, but Kel wouldn’t be Kel if he wasn’t happy. Again he had to seal his feelings in a jar, but this time they simply flowed out, breaking through the lid.

What about Basil? He was scared. Truly scary. What if he is not forgiven? What if they think he's crazy? What if they leave him all alone? But most of all he was worried about only one question. What if Sunny hates him? Although deep down, it seemed to Basil that he deserved this suffering and even more. Perhaps he was right, perhaps not. The truth is not always real and not all questions have answers.

It was all reality.. Everyone knew about the small town, everyone knew that people lived there, but was there something that no one knew about? Was. Ah headspace, a wonderful place of eternal happiness! There are no problems here, the air smells good, and Mari never died. Anyone would love to stay here longer and have a fun little adventure! In this world there were inhabitants, there were houses, there were interesting places that could be explored and much more. But the trouble is, Sunny needed this little world only to forever run away from problems into an imaginary world of good emotions without pain and almost without sadness.

And so Sunny forgave himself. There is no point in headspace anymore, just like there is no point in Omori. Sunny won and now the world of dreams is just a forgotten memory. Time to live a new day, isn't it? But Omori didn’t want to leave. Or maybe he wanted to, but he really couldn’t. And where would he go? He is just a figment of the imagination of some loser who has been running away from the truth for four whole years, what future awaits him?

The black and white boy should have just disappeared, like headspace, but he won't succumb. He won't be able to let go of his miserable but cheerful existence so easily. He wanted to be someone. Someone more than just a way to deal with trauma. He wanted to be a person...

From the remains of headspace and blackspace, Omori created his own small dimension. It was also possible to get into it only by falling asleep, although this place was creepy and incomprehensible. Even Omori himself did not fully understand how this place worked, but now he had at least something of his own besides the knife that he always carried with himself.

He wanted to talk to his creator again, which was not so difficult to achieve. It was more difficult to start a dialogue. The week that Omori spent completely alone lasted like an eternity. Before, at least he had friends, but they were just nobodies. Omori himself was a nobody, he didn’t like it. He needs to talk to Sunny, otherwise he will go crazy without even fully realizing himself as a person.


   It was dark outside. The leaves rustled on the trees, and someone's dogs barked in the yards, though no one knew whose they were. Hero, Aubrey and Kel were already deep asleep, thinking about the next day. Only Basil could not sleep. The guy sat in the bathroom and squeezed out all the tears that were in his eyes, while tightly hugging his legs. The fact that the truth had been revealed still haunted him. The blonde was ninety-nine percent sure that he would never be forgiven and he would be left alone, without anyone on his side. Being left completely alone was always a terribly strong fear that suffocated and prevented me from living, as if it was shackling me from the inside.

Basil had a lot of thoughts in his head and none of them were good. The only thing that stopped him from trying to harm himself was extreme fatigue due to which he could not get up from the floor and the slightest hope that everything would work out. A couple of minutes later he joined Aubrey, Kel and Hero, also falling asleep.
In another town, in a completely another house, Sunny fell asleep. He felt somehow uneasy because it seemed like someone was watching him. Someone he knows... But after all, with this premonition he fell asleep, not even imagining what awaited him and everyone else that night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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