{End of the show for now}

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No ones pov:
The concert finished the crowd was upset that it was over,Firey just felt like he recognized the idol as If he meet her?Can't be if so he would remember he felt a weird feeling come to him.He touched his face he realized it was was warm he realized "Wait I'm blushing!?" He said to himself he covered his face and went to the bathroom to wash his face
(Yes my luvs I am back I took a long time to realize I didn't finish it I rose from the dead and in this Au its humanilized so don't be like "FiReY iS fIrE!!!!" so shut up kindley :3)
*New Part😃☝*

Leafy Pov🍃:{After the concert}
I went back to my hotel after I finished I realized that the flame boy look recognizable but I'm not sure.My siblings were asking how the show went gotta say all my siblings are like..Famous just like me let's just say their names first is the most famous flower she is a famous fashion person.my brother is Tree he is known to be a 'Hot famous actor' But I think he is boring to be honest he always says they need to prevent death but it can happen plus we have four or two or X to recover us first it seems sad and boom you come back to life.Next is my little brother he is famous for being the most cutest baby YouTuber and yes Tree helps him to do it.Before you ask about Floory and Clover they are my cousins and they are famous in a show I hope they are alright plus Cover is like a Queen or Idk I barely talk to her.

(290 words wait no make it 297 )

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