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sorry for not updating this story or the other story, I have lost this account and was able to find it again, I will probably delete this story because I didn't read the inspiration video till a few days ago and reread this story only to now delete this, thank you for those who have read this story, if you, however, want to adopt this story, please message me or leave a comment and tell me if you are willing to continue the story or will be changing the plot, please Iet me know if you want to adopt this story, I will leave this story up until May 31, 2024, at 5:00 pm PT, if you want to adopt this story, May 31 is the due date, thank you again for those who has been reading this story, I will update you guys if this has been taken or not.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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