Protecting Love- Adam fantilli

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Protecting Love

Adam fantilli x reader

Adam Fantilli stepped onto the ice, the roar of the crowd echoing in his ears. As a star player for his college hockey team, he thrived under the pressure of the game. But tonight, his mind was elsewhere, his thoughts consumed by Y/N, his girlfriend, who sat in the stands with her camera, capturing every moment of the game.

Y/N was passionate about photography, and Adam admired her talent and dedication. But tonight, her usual enthusiasm was overshadowed by discomfort. A guy had been following her around, making inappropriate comments and refusing to take no for an answer, despite her clear rejection.

Adam's blood boiled with anger as he learned about the situation from one of Y/N's friends during intermission. He couldn't believe that someone would disrespect his girlfriend like that, especially after she had made it clear that she was taken.

With determination burning in his eyes, Adam returned to the ice for the final period, fueled by a desire to protect the woman he loved. As the game ended in victory for his team, Adam wasted no time in rallying his teammates to confront the guy who had been harassing Y/N.

They found him lurking near the exit, a smug grin on his face as he eyed Y/N. But his expression quickly turned to fear as Adam and his teammates approached, their anger palpable.

"Hey, buddy, think you can just harass my girlfriend and get away with it?" Adam growled, his fists clenched at his sides.

The guy stammered, trying to feign innocence, but Adam wasn't buying it. With a collective nod from his teammates, Adam made it clear that there would be consequences if the guy ever bothered Y/N again.

Feeling a sense of justice served, Adam wrapped an arm around Y/N, leading her out of the arena and into the cool night air. She leaned into him, grateful for his protection and support.

Back at their dorm, Adam held Y/N close, her camera forgotten as they cuddled on the couch. In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of their love, Adam knew that he would always stand up for Y/N, no matter what.

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