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𝙼𝚊𝚐𝚗𝚘𝚕𝚒𝚊𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟

I wake up and see, IM IN CHRIS' BED???? Holy fuck, um omg what do I do??? I'm actually panicking. What the hell shit fuck. Oh no. He's getting up. Omg he's speaking what do u say

"Mags?" He says in a tired deep tone

"Hi Chris, sorry I slept here I'll leave right now" I say getting up, he groans

"It's ok, trust me" he says, I nod and walk downstairs. I see Matt cooking some bacon with Nick on the couch on his phone.

"Matt, can u bring me home?" I ask grunting, he puts down the spatula

"Yep" he says grabbing his keys, I walk outside. Omg I'm still in Chris' clothes. Once I get home I run upstairs, quickly changing


Hey Chris i got ur clothes can u drop mine off I'll give ur urs?

Yea On my way!


I place my phone down, and my brother screams his having an 'episode' I walk downstairs, for money. Cos I need some for girl things (ifykyk) I walk downstairs

"Hey mom can I have like 30 bucks?" I ask scratching the back of my neck, sundenlly Chris walks in, I didn't notice.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH U MAKING EVERYTHING ABOUT YOURSELF!' Look at ur brother u selfish brat!" My mom yells, lightly pushing me towards the door, I fall into Chris. I hold my tears back.

"Oh shit u good?" He asks placing me back up, I nod and we both walk upstairs.

"Sorry about that" I say awkwardly, he nods, handing me my bag full of clothes.

"Oh yeah" I say I bend over and grab his sweats and shirt,

"Here" I say placing them in his hands

"Thanks magy" a nickname?

"Magy?" I ask

"Yeah like a nickname. Is that ok?" He asks slightly laughing, I nod and laugh as well.

"Well bye" I say he nods and walks out. I place my swimsuit and sweater in the dirty pile and throw the plastic target bag away, I start crying from the previous conversation with my mom.

Why am I so hated?


I get out of bed and walk downstairs, I decide to go to McDonald's. I get in the car and play 'alphabet boy' - Melanie Martinez. (I'm going to her trilogy tour irl!!!) I get to McDonald's and walk inside since they don't have a drive thru🙄🙄🙄. When I walk in I see the triplets in the corner of my eye

"Omg mags hi" Nick says reaching his arms out for a hug, I except and hug him back.

"Hi magy" Chris says as Matt orders thee food

"Hi Chrissy" I say back teasing him. We both laugh, he sorta towers over me. Along with his brothers

(STOP THE EDITING IS BAD😭😭)@mags🧛‍♀️With gang @chris🧛

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

With gang @chris🧛

Oh yeah💪💪🔥🔥

When did u meet them mags???

*450k responds*

I get up out of the seat

"Im gonna get going" I say throwing my stuff in the garbage

"Ok bye magy" Chris says waving cutly , I smile at him and walk out. I feel Matt staring in my soul, i look back and he his. We both start laughing. I get to my car and play phoebe bridges, I love her so much.


I get home and walk inside, my parents are mad at me for some reason

"Why did u leave and not tell us?" My dad says, his hands turn into balls.

"It's not like u guys give a fuck anyway" I say rolling my eyes, my dad grabs my wrist firmly. Tight enough to leave a mark.

"Ow dad stop" I say trying to grab his wrist

"The next time u try to leave the house, think twice fucking failure" he says pushing me to the stairs. I don't cry just walk upstairs calmly. I wish I was still important to my parents. (Real!).

Short chapter cause I'm tired of all this sad shit bruh😭😭😭

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⏰ Son güncelleme: May 12 ⏰

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