Chapter 38- The Monster's Gone

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Play 'How Did It End' by Taylor Swift while reading 

Today was the day of Daniel's court hearing, and my parents made it clear they wanted me out of the outer banks for it. I had already done all the needed testimonies and today was the day that the jury would establish a sentence for him. 

My parents had hired the best attorney that money could buy and were aiming to keep him behind bars for the rest of his life, although that was unlikely. 

For me, I was just hoping that with today I would get the closure I needed to move on, I had most of it but it felt nice to be able to say that by the time I went to bed, Daniel would be in jail. Daniel's plan to kidnap me was smart towards the start but quickly became a plan that only an idiot could make. 

Once he saw the video of Rafe and I dancing at that restaurant he knew that I had moved on and gotten with someone else, and that was his so-called motive. He took advantage of the fact that Rafe had never seen him and therefore became friends with him under a hidden identity. He was the one to write that note to me on the napkin at the Wreck and was the mastermind behind me being locked in that bathroom at the party I went to with Kie and Sarah. He became closer and closer to Rafe and then suggested meeting me, but that's when his plan started to crumble. After all he did to me he simply left the abandoned house, forgetting my phone there, and therefore I was able to call for help and he soon was found on a highway. 

Many people from my life were asked to talk to lawyers or even the judge himself, who to my luck, was Topper's grandfather. I guess nepotism really does exist. 

Although everyone involved; Sarah, Topper, my parents, and annoyingly, Rafe, agreed that they wouldn't talk to me about their testimonies, which I appreciated. 

Due to my parents banishing me from the OBX because of my 'safety,' I decided to go on a ferry to the mainland with Sarah, and we were going to make a girl's day out of it. 

"Honey, Dad and I are about to head to court, please leave soon okay?" my mom said, walking by the kitchen aisle where I was sitting with fancy attire on her. "Yeah," I said quietly. 

I wasn't in a very good mood today, mostly anxiety devouring me along with the usual Rafe thoughts. "Do you need help getting upstairs?" she asked. 

Because of the glass incident that happened the other day, walking was really hard for me to do without wincing and my doctor said that to heal my feet faster I shouldn't be on them. Which I was going to completely ignore today since I was probably going to walk a lot. 

"No, I'm fine, thanks though," I said and my mom smiled at me in return. "Ok, then see you Lil, remember I love you and everything's going to be fine," she said and I smiled as she hugged me. 

"Hey, where's my hug at?" my dad asked, coming in the kitchen from the living room and my mom chuckled. "Can I have one moment with my eldest daughter without interruption?" my mom joked and my dad laughed, embracing my mom and me in a hug. 

"Okay, we're leaving now, can you wake up Ian before you leave, he's been sleeping too much lately," My dad said and I nodded, watching them leave. I turned some music on and finished my breakfast before standing up and going upstairs, my feet hurt a lot but I didn't care. 

I went to my room and called Sarah, she picked up immediately. 

"Hey babes," she said. "Hey Sar, could you come over to get ready together?" I asked, "Yeah, of course I'm on my way, can I just wear something from your closet?" "Of course, just let yourself in with your keys, I'm upstairs," I said and I heard her hum. "Okay, bye love you," Sarah said, "Love you too, see you in 5," I said and hung up. 

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