5/11/2024 Update!

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Greetings fellow writers and readers! I know it's been quite a bit since I've last updated, NO I haven't forgotten to work on my books, I've just been really busy as of late.

Once again, I'm an adult so between taking care of my family (grandparents, disabled family members, etc) and work, I don't have as much free time on my hands as I would like.

Well, the good thing is I may have found a solution! I got this position with Cutco. I can make my own schedule and if I do very well very quickly, I'll earn more (the more I earn the less appointments I fill my days with overtime.) Now it isn't going to be easy, I'll have to work hard to get to that point but once I'm there I'll have more time to dedicate to my stories.

I'm still going to be updating my books so don't think that just because I got this job, I won't be able to update, I'll still be able to update, they'll just be slower so for now I will be ditching the schedules I made for my books (in other words I'll update them whenever I can)

I still have my weekend job (that's why I was able to update now) so I got my position as Cutco to help myself even more and so far, I'm very pleased with it, it's very different from anything I've ever done but I honestly look forward to it. I had my first appointment last night around 10pm, and I thankfully made my first sale. it's an appointment-based job, so I get paid for every appointment I follow through with and if I make a sale, I get a percentage of that sale I made, which is very nice because even if I don't sell anything I still get paid for that appointment. I am hoping this will help me save up more money for me and my husband's future home, especially since we want to have a decent sized family and host get together for family and friends. This is one of the many reasons why I picked up this extra job aside from gaining more experience, a possibly recommendation from a very respected company, and to also help others get quality products and even save money through deals on their first appointment.

If you're wondering exactly what Cutco is, it's a company that sells cutlery. Cutco is known for their knives (especially their kitchen knives), but we do sell other products, from cutting boards, grills, fishing/hunting gear, Tupperware, and more. There are a lot more details about it

I'm 23 and I will be turning 24 at the end of the year and with inflation as high as it is today, as a young adult I'm still trying to get my life together so I can support myself and my family in the future. So, if I ever suddenly stop updating or am not active for a long time just know I haven't forgotten about Wattpad I'm just working hard to not only achieve a better future for myself and those I love, but to also be able to do this I love to do; like writing on Wattpad or drawing and many other things.

Wattpad; for all its flaws. Holds a special place in my heart and those of you that have read or are reading my books and encourage me are just as important in my eyes.

With that being said I will try my best to update my stories, specifically my Blood Ties story as I know many that follow me have been waiting long enough for this story to come to light. I am still working on these stories, even if I don't update, I am still working on them that I can promise.

Since I don't have an editor to look through them for me I do it all by myself, so I go over chapters a dozen times to make sure their publishable (in my standards which they aren't high but their definitely not low either) As you all know I have been fighting with the saving/revision process with my stories which is why it's been taking longer than I honestly planned to update my books (I did go to customer support to report this problem, but I may do it again because I have checked time and time again and I know for sure that it isn't an internet problem on my end, and I can say this with confidence because once again I had a virtual webcam appointment for over an hour last night and not ONCE did it ever lag, so this is clearly an app/website problem. which I attempted to save this chapter over 5 times just to get it to safe this entire thing so that say something lol)

I will say I'll be busy this first week as I'm going to try to get a "fast start" with Cutco but I will do my best to update as soon as I can.

With all that out and being said, keep it classy, keep it sassy. I'll catch you on my next update.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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