April 5-7, 2024 Update

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Hey Star-shines! Guess who ended up getting sick again! That's right, it was me... Again.

It wasn't my fault this time though, my husband got sick first and gave it to me. The updates for me books will come out a little late due to me sleeping the sickness off most of this week. I had a sore throat, but the worst part was the fever!

My husband kept giving me sleeping medicine because I was unbearably uncomfortable the whole time. I still have a light fever but it's much better now, hopefully it will be gone soon.

I'll be home this weekend due to being sick, so I'll try to use that time to catch up on whatever I was working on.

I'm still having trouble with Wattpad saving my drafts/chapters but it's okay. If you're wondering how I've kept my patience, it's because I dealt with FAR worse problems than this, so this is nothing to me besides a minor annoyance.

I'm fixing any typos/grammar mistakes in Chapter 4 in Blood Ties still due to this saving problems, but I will have it out as soon as I can get the entire chapter saved (without having to constantly go back to the revision history!)

As for my OC book I have the first Profile almost completely done. All I have left is to create the family tree pic and I'll be done with my first profile.

To be honest creating the profile was a lot more time consuming than I thought but then again to be fair I am quite literally making it as I go and the first profile that I'll make will pretty much set up the standard for the rest of the profiles, so it makes sense it took a lot of time to make.

I want to thank anyone who has been reading my stories for being patient. Once again as an adult with growing responsibilities it's much harder to find free time to work on all of this but I'm making do!

I can't promise I'll update for my stories during this weekend, but I will have my next updates out this following week, so I hope you enjoy them when they come out!

4/7/2024 Update!

Hey guys lol I passed out right after writing the few paragraphs above and only just realized I didn't publish it, Whoops! I cannot tell you how much water I've drank this past week, but hey at least I'm very hydrated! Anyway! I'm a little more than halfway done editing Ch.4 for my Blood Ties book so keep an eye out for that update sometime this week.

 I've been trying to stay true to my update bi-weekly rule but between my chapter not wanting to save properly and life in general I'm beginning to wonder if I set up unrealistic expectations for myself. This was the system I used when I first starting writing on Wattpad but once again, I was a high schooler. I had more free time and less responsibilities, plus even then I didn't entirely stay true to it because I would publish a week or so before hand if I finished a chapter ahead of time *Without revising or editing it mind you, so if you see typos or comments about typos you can't see in the story anymore that's because I'm currently going back and slowly editing them, some typos I'll keep though if I find them funny.*

Random questions for those that live in the US, will you be seeing the eclipse this Monday? I'm in Florida and the local news for it has being EXTRA confusing * though that FL in general for you* so I'm not sure I'll see it or not, but I'm going to drag my miserable butt out onto my porch with a pina colada in hand anyway to try, and if not well at least I'd still enjoy the fresh air with little buzz from my drink and the soothing tunes of my music! A girl can only try to be happy while being sick and if I'm going to suffer, I'll at least jam out and be a little tipsy, so I don't notice it as much all at once. I've been sick for over a week now and I'm over it lol!

If I do end up seeing the Eclipse though I'll try to take pictures, I'll post them on here if I do that anyone who can't see it from where they are can. Though I won't promise pictures since I'm still not sure I'll be able to see it from where I am either.

With all that said though, I hope you guys have a great day/night. Like always, keep and classy and sassy, make good choices. I'll catch you all on my next update!

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