chapter 1

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Present day:

Amari's pov:

"I can't believe you're actually going to move to fucking Madrid", Maëlys says as she sits down on my bed.
"It's just for uni, at least for now", I reply, "And it's not like I'm moving to another continent. Plus you guys aren't gonna stay in Sunderland for uni either."
"True, but one, Lee and I are only moving to London. And two, we're gonna be there together. You'll be in Madrid all alone", Kaya tells me.

"I've told you, I'm not alone. Like I said multiple times now, I'm moving in with Kiela and Ivy", I chuckle.
"Yeah, but you barely know them. Aren't you going to miss us?"
"Of course, Lee, I'll miss you two. You're my favourite people in the world. Moving to another country won't change that", I assure both of my friends.

"And now get off your lazy asses. You were supposed to help me pack, remember?", I say making both giggle.
Still they do what I requested and together we start packing up my clothes.

Half of my stuff has already been shipped of to Madrid. Today Maëlys and Kaya were kind enough to come over to help me pack the rest. Okay, I might have bribed them with the promise of food and ice cream. But most of the stuff that needs to be packed is just clothes anyway so it shouldn't be too hard to put everything into boxes.

It still feels surreal that I'm officially moving to Madrid in only a few days. Like I'm going to be away from my family and friends here in England for the first time. It's going to be hard to say goodbye to them.

But at least I already found two new friends in Madrid so I won't be all alone. Ivy, Kiela and I have been texting and also calling each other a lot over the past months and we get along pretty well. I'm excited to live with them.

Even Lee and Kai like them. Both were skeptical at first when I told them I'd be moving in with two girls I met when I visited Madrid in July. But once they got to know my future roommates over facetime they approved of Kiela and Ivy.

It's also going to be strange not to see my brothers every day. It will be my first time living without annoying younger boys and I'm not mad about it. I honestly can't wait to live with only girls. But no matter how annoying Emilio and Cameron are I still love them and will definitely miss both. And I know that, even though they don't want to admit it, they'll miss me too.

About an hour or so later my mum comes into my room to tells us that dinner is ready. The girls and I then make our way downstairs to eat with the rest of my family.

"Are you two coming to the airport on Wednesday to say goodbye to Amari?", my mum asks both Kaya and Maëlys.
"Of course we are. Try to stop us", Kai replies making the rest of us laugh.
"That's really nice of you to come as well. Perhaps I won't be the only one crying then", my mum jokes.

"I can't say if I'll cry but Lee definitely will", Kai returns.
"Excuse me? How can you be so sure of that?", Maëlys asks our other friend.
"Because you're fucking emotional", Kai chuckles.
"No, I'm not."
"Yes, you are. You literally cry every time Mufasa dies in the Lion King."

Knowing that Kai is right Lee doesn't argue against it which makes everyone else laugh.
All of us then just continue to eat our food and chat in between. After we finish dinner the girls and I get ourselves some ice cream before we make our way upstairs to my room.

Since Maëlys and Kaya are both sleeping over tonight we all change into our pjs and get comfortable so we can watch a movie. However, after some time none of us really concentrate on the TV anymore and we just talk about random stuff until we eventually fall asleep.


A few days later:

Today is the day. Today I'm officially moving to Madrid for university. It's currently just after half past six in the morning and I'm already at the airport with my family, Kaya and Maëlys. Jobe is here as well since he decided yesterday to sleep at Maëlys' place so she just dragged him along.

"And you will text me the minute you land in Madrid, okay?", my mum sniffles trying not to cry for the fifth time today.
"I will mum, I promise", I return and hug her once again. After letting go of her I look at my brothers and find both of them with glassy eyes.

"I thought you two were too tough to cry", I say teasingly, "Are you going to miss your big sister?"
"Of course we are. I just didn't think I'd have to fucking cry", Emilio returns.
"Emilio, language", my dad scolds him making me giggle.
"Yeah, yeah, dad", he shrugs our dad off.

Cameron on the other side doesn't say anything and instead just throws himself into my arms. I quickly motion Ems to do the same thing so we can have a sibling hug together.

"I'm gonna miss you too. But it's not like I'll be gone forever. I'll visit at Christmas at the latest", I tell them as we pull apart again.
"Yeah, we know", Cam says as he wipes a tear from his face, "But you better call often."
"Of course I will. What would I do without my brothers' advice?", I chuckle.

Last but not least it's time to say goodbye to my best friends.
"Kai was right. I am fucking emotional", Maëlys says after I turn towards them. Multiple tears have already rolled down her cheeks.
Almost immediately I pull both of them into a group hug.
"I'm gonna miss you two a lot", I tell my friends.
"We'll miss you too", Kai replies and even she has tears in her eyes.

"You better keep your promise and visit me in Madrid as soon as you're able to."
"We definitely will, trust me", Lee returns.
"And you Jobe don't just stand there and give me a hug already", I tell him.
"Fine", he chuckles and does what I requested.

"Now I'll finally be free from all your yapping", he jokes earning himself a slap on the arm from me.
"Shut up, I know you love it", I respond making him laugh.
"You sure you don't want me to tell Jude about your move? He's still asking about you, you know", Jobe admits.

Hearing him say that pulls on my heart strings a little more than I thought it would. However, I'm not going to change my mind.
"I'm sure. I already got familiar faces in Madrid with Kiela and Ivy. I don't need Jude. And clearly he doesn't want or need me either", I tell Jobe with a shrug.
I can see that he wants to protest but fortunately he decides otherwise and just stays quiet.

All of us talk for another minute or so before it's my time to go. I hug everybody once again and wave them goodbye as I make my way to the security check. After I'm finished there I have about 30 minutes left until boarding starts. So I find myself a table at one of the airport cafes to set down my bag and jacket before I walk up to the counter to order myself a coffee.

When it's time for my boarding to start I quickly grab my things and make my way to the gate. Knowing that it won't be quicker to just stand in line I find myself some place to sit and just wait until most people are already on the plane.

"Have a good flight", one of the airport workers tells me as she hands me back my ticket after scanning it.
"Thank you", I reply politely and make my way down the tunnel towards the plane. Most people are already in there seats which makes it easier for me to get through the rows.

Luckily for me I was able to get a seat at the window. After sitting down I take my headphones out of my bag and put them on my head. I then open up Spotify on my phone and choose a playlist along with putting my headphones on noise canceling. As soon as I'm content with my music I let my phone rest on my lap while I wait for the plane to leave the airport.


first official chapter is now done y'all👏🏼.
took me long enough lol.
i already had the first part written down in my drafts weeks ago but somehow i only now managed to finish everything.
anyways, our lovely amari is now off to
let her story in spain now begin🫡🫣.
so i hope you enjoyed this chapter.
see you in the next one.
love yous💕

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