The Pit

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 As soon as Snape breaks contact, Sirius breathes out a small huff. He watches as the Slytherin takes a sip of his cup and snickers at his scrunched hooked nose. Mulciber also seemed to take notice of Snape's distaste as he reached for the silver kettle in front of them to refill his cup with fresh steaming tea. Fucking henpecked bastard.

 “You always do that.” Sirius turns to his right, his mocking smirk evidently turning sour.

 “Do what?” A plate of two steaming jacket potatoes was placed in front of him which he bitterly ignored. 

 “Intimidate him.” Remus motions with his eyebrows towards the Slytherin table where Snape had stood, apparently finished with his food. Sirius watches as he shoves Mulciber's robes that he had worn since he was made to wear, and gives it back to its owner. He couldn't hear what was said between the two Slytherins, but he saw Snape's lips form the word Dungeons.

  Sirius makes a face when Mulciber makes to stand, he too, done with his meal, and follows Snape down the table where he had stopped to talk to Wilkes. Apparently, word in the castle is that it was Wilkes who carried Snape to the Hospital Wing that morning. 

 “You always do that, too.” Remus flickers at his wrinkled forehead.

 “Damn it, Moony, you know I have a sensitive forehead!” Sirius rubs at the sting, “What is it that I “always” do?”  

 “Make an ugly face everytime you catch Mulciber together with Snape, which, correct me if I'm wrong, is all the time.” 

 Peter, who had been in the middle of finishing his peach tart, gave out a loud snort that sounded like it hurt. “You don't reckon they're dating, do you, Remus?” 

 Sirius, who had been in the middle of watering down Remus’ nauseating claim with some pumpkin juice, took a sharp and fast breath that caused him to inhale his juice through the wrong windpipe, spilling it all over himself and poor James who sat next to him on his right. “Damnit! Padfoot you too!” He screeched pathetically causing the girls to laugh at him, again. Sirius’s juice coupled with Lily’s made James leave early to go change mumbling away on how everyone was against him. Coughing and barely able to speak, Sirius swiftly replied, “As if anyone in their right mind would willingly date someone as crude as Snivellus!” 

 Lily's loud " Hey!” was rudely ignored as Sirius went off on a tangent on all the reasons why Snape would be a terrible person to hold a conversation with, let alone have a conversation about feelings! “And the way he mumbles during Potions? You can't deny he's doing some type of weird creepy incantation Dark Magic to his brews!

 “Come off it Sirius, you're speaking as if we don't all know you've had the sweets for Snape since fourth year.” At Remus' outrageous claim, he feels his face become warmer and warmer as he speaks. 

 “Oh, fuck off, I do not-” 

 “Better yet, I think I would go as far as to say you rival James’s affection towards Evans.” 

 “-have “the sweets” for Snivellus bloody Snape! What the fuck gave you the impression that I like a fucker like him?”

 “I never said that you like him, what I said was that ever since he walked in here,” Remus gestured to all around them, “with three Devil's Snares in each hand, you've gotten a bit obsessed with him.” 

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