Lovely Weather for a Balloon Ride Together with You

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"Oh yeah! Team Broppy all the way!" Sheila yelled.

"Branch come here." Poppy while grabbing material from her hair.

"I can fix your finger."

"Really?" Branch asked, giving his hand to Poppy.

"Of course. You don't know how many times I've done that over the years. "

"How many?" 

"At least 50." Poppy said. "And done! Your finger is fixed."

"Thanks Dr. Poppy! And 50 , wow, that's a lot." Branch responded.

"You're welcome, patient Branchifer and that's under the average for trolls. Usually it's around 100 in their lifetime." Poppy explained.

"How does anyone glue their fingers together at least 100 times?" Branch asked.

"We're trolls, Branch! There's a lot of things we do that no one else can." Poppy said back.

"Fair point." Sit. Let's go star gazing. " Branch said laying down. Poppy joined him, putting her head on his chest and Branch's arm around her. Poppy loves hearing Branch's heart beat. It calms her down and so peaceful to her.  As the two laid on the floor of Sheila and looked at the stars, they talked and pointed out different stars for a while. Then it go kind of quiet.

"Branch, it's so nice up here. Just the two of us." Poppy said.

"Yeah. It is." Branch responded.

"It's so nice, it makes me want to sing." Poppy with smirk growing on her face.

Branch, taking a deep breath, then counting, "In 3,2,1."

"Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring-ting-tingling too

Come on, it's lovely weather for a balloon ride together with you" 

Poppy sang got up and grabbed Branch as well.

Branch got up as well. He watch with love in his eyes, his girlfriend singing and dancing.

"Outside, the snow is falling and friends are calling, "Yoohoo"

Come on, it's lovely weather for a balloon ride together with you"

Poppy motioned for Branch to chime in.

"Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up, let's go

Let's look at the show

We're riding in a wonderland of snow" Branch's boyband voice sang.

"Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up, it's grand

Just holding your hand

We're gliding along with a song of a wintry fairy land" The two harmonized lovingly.

"Our cheeks are nice and rosy, and comfy cozy are we (cozy are we)

We're snuggled up together like two birds of a feather would be" Branch sang.

"Let's take that road before us and sing a chorus or two

Come on, it's lovely weather for a balloon ride together with you" Poppy sang back

"Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up, let's go

Let's look at the show

We're riding in a wonderland of snow

Giddy up, giddy up, giddy up, it's grand

Just holding your hand

We're gliding along with a song of a wintry fairy land" Broppy sang.

*Poppy and Branch dancing*

"It's lovely weather for a balloon ride together

Lovely weather for a balloon ride together

Lovely weather for a balloon ride 


With you" Branch sang the high note.

"A balloon ride together with you, yeah, ooh


It's just me and you

A little sleigh ride, a little sleigh ride, oh."

Poppy held both of Branch's hands. Looking deep into his eyes. Getting lost in his blue ocean eyes.

"With my baby "♥ Poppy softly.

"Just hear those sleigh bells jingling, ring-ting-tingling too"

"Come on, it's lovely weather for a sleigh ride together with you" 

Poppy and Branch sang together on the last part. They looked up and saw mistletoe right under them. They both blushed a little.

"I love you, Poppy." Branch said.

"I love you too, Branch," Poppy said back.

And then the two kissed. It was a fun night for Broppy, for they didn't have a care in the world that special holiday night.


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