Listen to my Heart

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Poppy was walking the forest, one evening, looking for a peaceful spot to relax. It's been a long, stressful day, being queen for Poppy. She would of gone and seen Branch, but he's with his brothers at vacay island and Viva is there too to hang out with Clay.

Poppy kept walking for a while. Then, she finally found the perfect spot. The sun still shining in that spot. Poppy's favorite flowers, Mittensettia were there too. Poppy ran up to the spot.

"Mittensettia! My favorite." Poppy exclaimed as she smelled them. "I remember when Branch gave me these.  Achoo!" Poppy started to sneeze.

"Oh yeah. Achoo! I'm allergic." Poppy realized. She then threw them away somewhere in the forest. As Poppy was about to finally about to relax, she heard something in the bushes nearby. 

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Poppy wondered.

Then, a troll emerged and came out of the bushes and Poppy's face dropped and immediately and became scared for her life, for that troll was...


"Creek, how are you will alive? I... I thought you died with Chef by the fire created by Cooper." Poppy told Creek, hyperventilating.

"I have my ways and now, the Troll Kingdom  will be mine. I'll see you soon. Queen Poppy." Creek threatened. Then he disappeared back to the bushes.

"This is bad, this is bad!" Poppy said.

"NO!" Poppy yelled. She was out of breath. Poppy looked around her surroundings and she was in her Pod, in her bed. Poppy was sweating and trembling in fear. 

"Oh." Poppy realized. "It was just a dream. A very bad dream." Poppy started to tear up.

"Poppy! I heard you scream. What happened?" Branch as he came rushing in.

"Branch. I had a nightmare. It was about Creek and how he would take over all the-" Poppy couldn't finish her sentence as she started to cry again.

Branch walked over to Poppy and gave her a big hug. Poppy gave him one back. Poppy cries began to slow down after laying her head on Branch's chest. 

"Thanks Branch." Poppy said.

"No problem, Poppy." Branch responded. A few minutes of silence went by.

"Branch, how did you get here so fast?" Poppy asked.

"I was taking a walk and gathering materials for the bunker." Branch answered.

"Ok, and Branch? Can you stay the night with me. So I can sleep?" Poppy asked.

"Of course. Yes." Branch said.

The two then both went into Poppy's bed. They both a comfortable and cozy with each other.

"Night, Poppy." Branch told Poppy.

Goodnight, Branch." Poppy said. ♥ 

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