Chapter 19

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"Ah fuck im getting sick of paying off those dickheads." The male complained, downing the drink.

M/n glanced at the male the two of them chilling in one of the many bars he owned.

"Logan you dumbass why don't you just beat em? I never pegged you as the type of guy to let people walk all over you." M/n said rolling his eyes as he took another shot of vodka.

Logan glared at the man. "Shut the fuck up no one walks all over me!"

M/n looked at him indifferently.

"Well do something about it then. Instead of bitching about it to me all the time."

Logan just threw him another glare before continuing drinking.

How the two males met was quite interesting.

M/n had spot him a few times at one of his bar's.

He never thought much about it until one day he stumbled by an interesting scene behind said bar in the back alley.

Dozens of beaten and bloody bodies were scattered on the ground.

Dozens of beaten and bloody bodies were scattered on the ground

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With only one giant man standing in the middle.

M/n noted that the large male was an arrogant man who typically tormented people.

There was no debate in the fact that Logan Lee was definitely a bad person.

But this was the exact quality that attracted M/n's attention in the first place.

M/n was a bad guy too.

So seeing these qualities in Logan brought a sense of comfort to the man.

M/n didn't need to display his fake act of kindness in front of the male because he was also not a good person.

And that was something that both him and Logan knew they shared in common.

Another reason why M/n didn't mind the male's company was because he was a strong fighter. So he provided free entertainment for M/n when Logan inevitably fought with someone.

This twisted friendship was strangely one of the only normal things they had in their lives.

"You should come to J High. The kids there are so boring." M/n muttered lighting a cigarette in his mouth.

"Pfft- why would I want to go to a school full of sissy's."

"Because you will fit in perfectly with the other sissy's." M/n replied sarcastically.

Logan glared at him again, but failed to hide the small smirk on his face showing the slight enjoyment he had whenever he went back and forwards with his bastard of a friend.

This fucker!

He thought shaking his head.

The night went on for a while until the two eventually went their own ways from the bar.

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