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Third Person POV

"Yes, yes. I understand. It's due by the 15th. I'm working it out." Kaveh hangs up the phone and sighs.

"You can't always be nice to clients, Kaveh. You have to be stern." Alhaitham said after hearing the irritating call.

"Why do you care? It's not your clients." Kaveh said, annoyed that Alhaitham would comment on the way he did his work once again. He hated when Alhaitham told him this because he knew he was right, but he just couldn't see the need to be rude to clients. After all, he needed the money.

"Never mind, don't take the advice. It won't affect me." Alhaitham responded.

"I have to go. I'll be back after work." Kaveh said, walking out the door.

Kaveh's POV

Why does he always want to criticize my work fashion? I'm not him. I can do things my way.

I walk into the tavern to get a drink. I know I lied to Alhaitham, but I don't care. I need something to get me away from this stress.

"I'll take my usual," I say to the bartender. He hands me my drink and I down it. I hope this helps. I want to completely have my thoughts clear, for once. The bartender hands me another drink, and before I know it I'm on my 4th, no 6th? I can't remember.

-Back Home-

"Ugh.." My head is throbbing. I think I'm about to fall..hmm what's that? Oh no, I'm falling...

Alhaitham's POV

Oh, Kaveh's home, I thought after hearing the door open. I get up and go to the door. Oh great, he's drunk. This is not unusual happens a few times a week. He looks bad, wait.. he's falling! I run over and I catch him right before he hits the ground. Was he so ignorant as to drink more than he could handle? I pick him up in my arms and start to his room. "Alhaitham... let me.. down, I can walk.." He said to me, of course I knew better. "No, you can't walk. You just fell." I told him. "I.. hate you," Kaveh told me. I knew this already. He could tell me this sober. "I know Kaveh." I lay him down in the bed and go to put the covers on him. He reached up and pushed my head back. "I'll do it myself.." He remarked. "Ok, then I will take my leave." I turned around and walked to the couch to continue the book I was reading.

-Next Morning-

Kaveh's POV

"Mmm..."My head is pounding.. maybe six drinks wasn't a good idea. How did I get home? I don't remember anything. Where is Alhaitham?   I get up and start to the kitchen. I see Alhaitham standing there cooking with a book in his hand. Of course. He is always reading. I think he felt me staring at him because he tilted his head and looked at me. "Kaveh. Mind explaining?" Of course, he asks this. "No. Not really." I told him, knowing he would probably force me to explain either way. "I understand you're stressed. How about we go out tonight?" I feel my face light up. Alhaitham actually wants to spend time with me? What am I thinking, this is probably for his benefit. "Sure. That sounds great." I said sending him a smile.

Third Person POV

"Where shall we go then?" Alhaitham asked Kaveh.

"Hmm.. how about the restaurant up the street that just opened up?" Kaveh questioned.

"That's fine with me. I'll leave it up to you." He responded.

Kaveh looked at Alhaitham curious about why he was being kind to him. Alhaitham finished cooking breakfast and they both began eating. 


Intro finished :) 

This is my first post so if it's short I'm sorry 😓

Next chapter ⬇️

I hate you. (KavehxAlhaitham)Where stories live. Discover now