part 1

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Chapter 1

I never thought I would be on a plane leaving the one place I’ve always known as home. I looked out the airport window before the attendant told the last people to get on the plane.
“Bye,” I whispered as I boarded the plane.
I get to my seat which is a window seat and I sit down. They go over all the rules and so on. I think I should introduce myself. I’m June and I’m 17. We live in a place where elves have lived ever since the elves came back to Earth after being cast out. There was a big war that had knocked out almost all of the human population, and anyone who had any part of human DNA was considered to be dangerous and rare. Which I am. Not dangerous, just half-human. You can't tell because I got my appearance from my father but I have my mother's attitude.
I’m scared to be going to this new school. What if the students find out I’m half human and try to make me angry or upset and I lose control? Again. I shake the thought out of my head, no need to go down that rabbit hole. It's the whole reason I have to move to the school in Oregon.  At least I'll be staying with my favorite aunt. Aunty Autumn is half-human and half-elf like me, dad was the only full-blooded elf in the family. This means my family's powers and blood were rare and we always had to keep an eye out for scientists who try to figure out why our magic is so rare and powerful.
The plane takes off and I feel my stomach and childhood memories stay in Arizona. 3 and ½ hours later I’m stepping off the plane and my stomach is growling like a starving wolf when someone tries to take its food away.  I headed to Starbucks to get a coffee and a cake pop just to hold me over until I could get to a fast-food restaurant. I head outside and look at the beautiful scenery. I’ve never been to Oregon before but my Aunty Autumn has come down and visited us many times. She brought multiple pictures with her.
I opened my phone and there was a text saying that my shuttle was about 30 minutes out. I sit down in a parking garage just enjoying the view. The sky was a light gray sky with a misty type of rain, it wasn’t a sprinkle but more of a foggy type of rain. I have never seen trees where you couldn’t stand on a ladder and cut the tops off, much less ones that had moss growing on the side of the trees. I wish that I hadn’t needed to come here at such a frogged-up time.
I see the shuttle around the bend of the Airport road. As I pick my bag up off of the ground and throw it over my shoulder, I go to cross over the road. A very nice black SUV lets me cross, I throw them a peace sign and I see the driver smile a little. I manage to get a seat somewhat in the back and no one sits beside me in the seat, that’s probably because I have my bag right there. There's a really cute guy about my age who sits across the way from me and he's with his friend.
“Hey. Where you heading, beautiful?” he asks
I was a little stunned at first but then I realized that he had asked me a question. “I’m heading to Albany,” I say barely, being able to not stutter.
“Nice. we’re heading to Albany too, we just got back from a school tournament," His buddy nods his head.
“What school are you guys from?” I hope it’s not one of the rival teams because these guys were super cute.
“Flowerez high school," damn, why doesn’t fate watch out for me.
“Why the sad face?”
“I’m about to be a new student at Elven High School,"
“Oh, well the kids there aren’t the best but there are some,"
“Good to know, thanks," I smile at him.
He bows his head a little then he and his friend start to talk to each other. I looked out the window and the shuttle had already taken off. I stare out the window watching the trees and road go by. I close my eyes for what seems to be five minutes before I get shaken awake.
“Hey, Elven High, our stop is coming up soon," the boy across from me tells me when my eyes flutter open.
“Thanks for waking me up,"
“You welcome, beautiful,"
“By the way, I didn't catch your name?”
“Oh, I’m Dustin and this is Jack. What’s your name?”
“I’m June,” he smiles, and Jack waves.
I smile and wave back.
I make sure I have everything in my bag, the bus gets off the highway and pulls into a Comfort Inn Suites. Dustin and his friend let me get off first and then we head our separate ways.
“Hope to see you at a game, beautiful," Dustin says over his shoulder
“What's your number?”
“Then, of course,"
I go to the bench to call my Cousin Dena to come pick me up. As the phone rings I watch the rain as it starts to increase how much is coming down slightly. She picks up on the last ring.
“Hey June, what's up?”
“Hey, Den. Can you come pick me up from the Comfort Inn Suites?”
“Which one?”
“The one down from the duck my dad used to blow up,"
“I’ll be there in 15 or so minutes. I have to drop the boys off to Derek so they can get ready for bed,"
“Yeah, that’s fine. See you in a few minutes," I hang up the phone and sit down on a bench. I play games on my phone until I see Dena's car pull up.
She gets out, opens the trunk and I put my bag in. I go to the passenger seat and get in. I look out the window as she drives us to Aunty Autumn’s house. We passed by a pond with a swan. It used to be a duck that they had to replace all the time since my dad was a troublemaker and always blew it up with fireworks.
It takes about 15 minutes to get to Aunty Autumn’s house. I smile as I see the house. It's a blueish-gray outside paint and a black door. This is a screen door and I see Charlie behind it, barking at the people pulling up to his house. As I step out I know he’ll run up to me and remember who I am. Aunty opens the door letting Charlie out.
“Hey, good man. Have you been protecting our Aunty?” I scratch behind his ear as he jumps up onto my leg.  He gets off and runs back inside.
Aunty Autumn stands in the doorway while I grab my bag out of the car and Dena goes over to Aunty. I throw my bag over my shoulder and then head over towards them.
“Hey Aunty, how have you been?” I say when I'm at the door.
“I've been good and your dad wanted to have me tell you to call him when you get here.”
“Ok, what room am I staying in?” 
“Isaiah’s old room. He cleared it out since he bought his own house.”
“Oh, nice. I’ll call Dad in a minute. And thank you for bringing me the rest of the way, Dena”
“Of course, have a good time, I’ll visit as often as I can, June.”
I walk into the house and go to Isaiah’s old room. I open the door and the bed is made, which isn’t too surprising. What surprised me was the books on books that are on the bookshelves. Last time I was here there weren't even ten books on the shelves. My breath is taken away when I go to look at the titles. They are books that I have wanted forever. I put my bag on the bed and ran my finger over every book.
They are books I’ve told my dad I’ve wanted. Every single one has been since about two years ago when I took screenshots of the books I wanted. I grab my phone out of my pocket and call my dad. He answers on the first ring.
“Hey June, how was your flight?”
“It was good, did you know Aunty Autumn has bought all of the books I’ve sent screenshots to you of?” I pause for a second “Now as I say it I realize that you probably sent them to her.”
“Well I didn't want you to be bored and there are trees there that you can read under. You always say that you wish you had books you can read under a tree.”
“Very true but that has to be a lot of money in books.”
“They have been collected over the years.”
“I mean at least it wasn't all at once. I wish you could’ve come down with me.”
“We’ve talked about this, you need to learn how to control your powers so you don't lose control again and we only had enough money for you to go up there.”
I roll my eyes. If I’m sarcastic at least I’m not sad.
“ But you're my rock. Will Dyllan come down to visit me at least?”
“I don’t know, text him and ask.”
“I  will once I'm off the phone with you. And I'll call you tonight before I go to sleep.”
“Ok well I have to go be careful and I love you.”
“I love you too Dad.”
I pull the phone away from my ear and hang up. God, I miss him already. I open my text messages and open Dylan’s and’s.
Me: hey can u come to Aunty Autumn tonight?
I wait a few minutes and my phone buzzes with a response.
Dyllan: yeah I'll be there in 2 hours. Do you want anything?
Me: yeah can you grab me a burger from Carl's Jr.?
Dyllan: yeah sure. see ya.
Me: see ya
I put my phone in my pocket and I undo the clip that is keeping my duffel bag close so I can start to unpack. I put all of my shirts and dresses in the closet, I put my pants in the drawers, and my duffel bag in the closet.
I lay on my bed and looked at the ceiling.  I wish my dad was here. I want my little brother, Tristen to be here too. I miss them so much and it hasn't even been a day. Tears start to roll down my cheeks. I need more time for the new school. I didn't want to move schools. I don't want to have to make new friends.  I want my friends. I roll over to my side and hold my legs to my chest. As I cry, I feel like im coming apart at the seams.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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