chapter 19 - my bloody valentine (pt 1)

Start from the beginning

Suzy - I am naked and outside of the sheets, I would be a little.

Y/N - but that's fair enough

This was the only thing I could ever ask for.

A second in time where everything felt alright, just the two of us. Where the only thing that mattered was our common yet clashing selves that somehow, mixed together like aged wine. Bitter yet sweet to the taste with age, depending on how you take care of it. Maybe in time, it could be the polar opposite but only experience can tell.

Suzy - hey?

Setting my book down on the nightstand, I decided I'll take my time with her rather to fuel my wants. Putting my glasses closer to my eyes, pushing them up. I looked at her where she had a devilish smile on her face.

Y/N - yeah?

Suzy - you know, I've been thinking.

Y/N - yes?

Suzy - why haven't we done it?

Y/N - done what?

Suzy - have sex?

Y/N - oh. Oh...

I was thrown aback by its sudden involvement, even though I had just thought of it.

Suzy - I mean. I'm already topless, and you can just slide it off of me. And, you're in shorts.

a bit puzzled by her adamant want for it, I looked at her. Unsure but I had to be honest.

Y/N - I'm gonna be frank, We could possibly do it right now. But, I haven't had my first time as you can call it. I'm very inexperienced in it and I don't want to embarrass myself, Suze.

Suzy - I understand, I'm still a virgin too.

We both nod, her finger circling my pec with her eyes being softly unspoken for.

Y/N - hey.

I put my hand on her cheek, making her look up at me despite the sensitive topic.

Y/N - you mean a lot to me noona. I want to cherish this for now until I feel ready, maybe you are but I'm not. It's just, I'm just a bit scared on how to approach it.

She blushes a bit, flustering her from my words.

Suzy - noona huh?

Y/N - w- was that a bad thing to say? I'm so-

Suzy - no no, I haven't heard that in a while.

She smiles, she lifts herself up with her weight with her hand guiding itself to my cheek where we passionately kiss.

We pull off for a second, just to look at each other.

Suzy - I love you so much L/N Y/N, I can wait for you. I already did for a while so what's the rush? That's my fault for trying to talk you into it.

Y/N - ani. It's okay. Though I am curious about it, after all. You're 29 and still unmarried and haven't had sex, I'm 19 years old, unmarried and haven't had sex too. I guess we can share those types of things right?

She softly laughs where she shifts herself onto my lap, caressing my face with her hands.

Suzy - yeah. We can. Why am I so lucky to have you?

Y/N - I should be telling you that.

With a smile, we both lean in. giving each other the reward of sweet nectar to each other.

It's always so fresh, whenever our skinship was this close.

Never stale, but it felt like a new breath of life.

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