eight | promises

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"Come on," Paige gripped Azzi's arm as Azzi pulled away, having gave into the kiss for a few seconds. "One more round and we can chill."

"Other hookups dried up?" Azzi asked, not even thinking. She really did hate confrontation, but Paige being all over her brought her mind to Ava, imagining that Paige was all over her, too. That's not to mention all the other women that Paige might've hooked up with in between. Paige sighed.

"What are you talking about?" She let go of Azzi's arm, "we were just doing good. What's wrong now?"

Azzi chuckled, grabbing her jacket off the couch. Being student athletes on full ride scholarships, the girls lived in campus apartments-similarly to Ava. However, it was just a matter of mere luck for Ava.

"Okay," Paige threw her hands up in the air. She knew that Ice and KK would say not to, but she clearly needed to address the elephant in the room. Thanksgiving break is in a week and the season would begin in the week afterward. Paige and Azzi are hoping to be able to play together this season, injury free. It's Paige's fifth year and Azzi already has her degree, despite it being her senior year. She graduated a year earlier, with Paige's 2024 class.

"You know about Ava and me, and I know about Ava and you. You and I agreed that we weren't together and just having fun, so now what?" Paige let it out.

"We're not together but you worry about who's kissing my neck" Azzi folded her arms and raised her eyebrow as she retorted, "that's pretty funny, if you ask me." Paige stiffened her jaw.

"Me wanting to know who you're seeing for my safety and out of mere curiosity does not equate to being jealous, if that's what you're trying to say" Paige clarified, though homegirl was lying out her ass. Her burning pink, flashy cheeks solidified that.

"You can lie to Ava like that," Azzi began, "or maybe even the girls on the team who haven't known you forever. But me, Paige Madison Bueckers, I know you like the back of my hand. And I know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about."

"Okay," Paige put both hands up, "you got me, Azzi. I can get jealous too. How about I make it up to you?"

Azzi was on the brink of slapping the fire out of Paige, imagining that her counterpart was gonna suggest sex as a form of restitution. "So help me God Paige if you say se-"

"Let's get matching tattoos," Paige smiled at Azzi, sheepishly. Azzi furrowed my eyebrow at that idea.

"Tattoo?" Azzi asked, "like...permanent ink?"

"Yeah," Paige nodded with a toothy grin. "I got a couple free vouchers from this shop, it's an apart of a brand endorsement that I'm in. Why not? We can get something small and in a discreet place."

Azzi was a very easygoing individual, she didn't like confrontation or even arguing. That usually meant that she barely spoke up. She looked toward the ground as she thought, "one condition" she clarified.

"I'm all ears bae," Paige threw her arm over Azzi's shoulder, "what's the condition?"

"I have to choose the place, and the tattoo" Azzi folded her arms, turning her head to look at Paige. They'd been nearly nose-to-nose, and both emitted a whole lot of body heat. Sometimes, in moments like this, Azzi and Paige would have an unofficial staring contest. One person looks and the next thing you know, their eyes are locked. But Paige thrived off of these kinds of things while Azzi got queasy from butterflies. Paige's ocean blue eyes always looked like waves rocking back and forth when you stared too long. "Sto-Stop looking at me like that, Paige."

Paige snorted, "your wish is my command. But now that you've shared what you wanted, may I share something else that I want?" Azzi nodded.

Paige pulled a paper from out of her pocket like some magician with a rabbit. "Can you put on red or pink lipstick, and kiss the paper?" She asked.

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