Chapter 3

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Before we start, this part (and probably the other chapters) will be set in the earth that we live in.  

and legendAmourshipper will be making an appearance as a one of the main characters. With him being Ryan and me being Timothy smith. 👍👍 Any way, lets start.

It starts with two young boys exiting school onto the high street. Timothy, who wants to become a software engineer at valve, and ryan who wants to become an engineer. Now, timothy is a shy  but intelligent boy. He has short blackish brown hair and in height about average. Now Ryan was pretty tall (with his height at 6'2) and has black wavy hair and brown eyes.

Now on this particular day, it was pretty hot, with the temperature being about 22 degrees celsius. So, after class, Ryan and Timothy decided to go to the park and buy some ice cream from the local tesco express.

Writers note, Ryan's name will be abbreviated to R and Timothy's name to T just so it is easier on me. Back to the story.

R: Man. Class sure was long today.

T: Innit man, Prof Oak class boring as hell.

R: That is sad. I forget you have Prof Oak. He is such a boring guy, he barely even teaches the damn lesson.

T: Anyway, what ice cream do you want? There's vanilla, strawberry and mint choco chip.

R: I'll take a plain old vanilla, unless they have pistacho.

T: Bro, why the hell would you want pistachio ice cream the is nasty.

R: It's not that bad.

T: So, you'll have a vanilla and i'll have mint Choco chip cuz its the best flavour.

So, as they leave the tesco, they decided to go through the park since it was a sunny day. As they walk through, they heard a strange noise.


Through the trees, they see a portal and two people fall out of the portal.

Ash: Oh wow, where are we. Are we in the forest of Kalos?

Serena: I think so. If we are, then it should be easy to get to my house.

T: Hello??? Who are you?

Ash: I am Ash from pallet town.

R: Pallet town? You mean like pallet town from pokemon red and blue and yellow and fire red and leaf green and lets go pikachu and lets go eevee. The pokemon games.

Ash: Pokemon games? There are games for pokemon. Wow maybe when i get back to my pokemon i can show it to them.

Timothy looks at Ryan and then they realized that Ash wasn't joking. He is actually Ash from pokemon. This confuses them because why are they here? But more importantly how did they get here.

Wow that was pretty short. I'm sorry that it wasn't as long as chapter 1 and 2 and im sorry it took more than a week to publish it but i have been really busy this week doing stuff but at least i published it which is cool.

and @legendAmourshipperis in this chapter. and go read his stuff it is pretty good (imo)

and ill try to get a chapter out by the weekend so goodbye.

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