~Eyeblack~ |part 1|

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    Joshua Stanley is a varsity player for the college football team. He had beautiful blue eyes which could trap any girl's eyes in college. He had a muscular, tall frame. Everyone on campus seemed to love him, except Violet. Violet was the only one who didn't pay him any mind, and he noticed immediately. Violet was one of the cheerleaders, she came to every game but never paid him so much as a glance. Maybe it was his huge ego - but Joshua thought you were too cute to hate him.

 "Help me with my Eyeblack?" he asked, handing Violet the dark pen after jogging to where she stood.

"I'm busy."- she said, without taking her head up from her phone which she seemed to have been texting for over half an hour.

"Come on, it's not like I'm asking for a massage or something," Joshua joked, feigning exasperation as he turned to face Violet. He knew she thought he was arrogant, so he tried to be charming.

"You can do it by yourself in the mirror," she said not bothering to look up at him.

"I just need somebody to dab this on my face for me," he smiled, waiting for her to do him this small favor. "Come oooooon..."

"you will never leave me alone, will you?" she finally turned off her phone and put it in her jacket pocket. "okay but you owe me."

Joshua grinned, pretending to look relieved that she was finally complying with his request, and turned around so you could apply the black pen to the skin behind his eyes. The moment he felt your fingers brush against his cheek, he could feel the tension in the air.

"I'll do anything to return the favor," His voice, usually so full of confidence, sounded a bit more subdued at the prospect of pleasing her. "You just have to tell me what you want in return."

"Stop moving your head and close your eyes," she said firmly while holding his head in place.

The firm grip of her hands on his face made his heart skip a beat, she was close enough for him to smell her sweet scent, so he followed her command and closed his eyes, waiting patiently as she brushed the fine tip of the pen against his cheeks.

"By the way, did the coach mention when will next match be?" she asked out of curiosity.

Joshua smirked at the feel of the soft brush of the pen across his face, letting out a small sigh with his eyes still closed.

"Yeah, we have another game against the Mustangs on Sunday night. After that - we have a little break before we have to start final exams," he said in a low, rumbling voice as if he was trying to get as close to her as possible while also keeping his eyes shut. "Why? You want to cheer for me again?"

"It's not about whether I want or not, silly," she grumbled.

Joshua slowly opened his eyes and looked down at her, he smiled at her playful demeanor and couldn't help but chuckle under his breath. He was so used to girls fawning over him, that he'd never experienced one who seemed to like teasing him. It was cute.

"You're a brat, you know that?" he teased, brushing his index finger lightly across her cheek.

"Go to your girlfriend, Joshua." she pushed his finger away.

Joshua narrowed his eyes and smirked slightly, he couldn't help it, he was enjoying your defiance.

"Who said I have a girlfriend?" he teased, leaning closer to you, even though he knew it might piss you off.

"Sidney did! she's been bragging all morning about it," she said while frowning and crossing her hands. 

Joshua rolled his eyes and laughed out loud, Sidney was the last person he would ever want to date. Sure, she was pretty as hell - but she was as shallow as a puddle of water.

"Sidney? Really?" He smiled, shaking his head as he looked down at her - her face looked so cute in her current state of exasperation, even with a frown on her face.

"No, Sidney and I are just friends," he said with a smirk. "You honestly sound jealous, do you have a crush on me, Violet?"

"you and your imaginations," she said sarcastically and went to bleachers to sit down.

 Joshua laughed again before following her to the bleachers, he sat next to her and leaned his elbow against the bleacher behind her. In her current position, she had no way to avoid him, and he enjoyed seeing her try to squirm away.

"You didn't answer my question," He said with a playful smile, his voice deep and rumbling.

"I did. you are imagining things. go check on doctor" She ignored his presence behind her.

 Joshua laughed again, he enjoyed this little game they had going.

"I don't need a doctor," he said slyly, ignoring her avoidance of him and getting a bit closer. "If I was seeing things, I would think YOU had a crush on ME," he leaned in close to her again, not yet making contact with her body. "I bet the reason you don't stare at me anymore is because you get all shy and nervous when you look at me..."

"I don't like you, Joshua. You are the last person I would date," 

Joshua cocked his head to one side and flashed another devilish grin. This girl enjoyed arguing and playing hard to get.

"Oh come on," he said slowly, leaning even closer. "Be honest with me," he reached his hand to her chin gently and turned her head to face him.

"You don't think I'm charming?" he asked, his face only inches from her own. She could feel the heat of his breath brush against her cheek and neck. "You don't think I'm cute?"

"Joshua, stop."

Joshua smirked again, he loved her protests, only because he knew she was lying.

"Stop what?" he taunted - he was enjoying playing with her now. He brought his face even closer to hers so that their breath mingled with every inhale.

"Stop teasing you?" he brushed his thumb along her bottom lip, he could feel the softness of her lips - "Stop getting so close to you?" he leaned in even further until their noses practically touched. "Stop making you weak in the knees?"

She wasn't moving. She was in a trance...but a few minutes later she snapped out of it. without saying anything, she stood up and left.

Joshua stared after her with a smirk - she snapped out of her hypnosis way quicker than he expected. She probably realized she was falling for him so she ran away to stop it from happening.

He leaned back against the bleacher and laughed to himself, "Oh she's gonna be thinking about me for the rest of the night," and with that, he headed off to the locker room to get ready for practice.

The Athlete Who's obsessed with CheerleaderWhere stories live. Discover now