Hydras and Trance-like States

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Emilia walked over to me, a look of determination set in her eyes. "Rue, how could you not tell me about this?" she said, holding back the tears caused by my secret-keeping and betrayal. "You're one to talk. I saw you and Luca, don't even try to deny it. You are the one who doesn't tell me anything!" For the fist time since I met Emilia, I couldn't read her expression. I couldn't tell what was circulating through her mind. She just stared at me blankly like she didn't know who I was. More tears welled up her eyes and she pushed past me, rushing to her cabin. Thoughts clouded my head, too many thoughts. I headed to the mist determined to find what was calling out to me. I stepped past the gate and saw a snake, well a hydra. I fell to my feet in fear, my stomach dropped. It was a lot bigger than I had ever imagined. 

By nightfall I still hadn't returned to camp and even though she was upset, Emilia had set out to look for me. It didn't take her long to find me by the gate of camp, still frozen in fear. She acted quickly and slayed the beast. She put up a fight and managed to stab the hydra in the heart, spilling its blood all over her now tarnished blonde hair. She became a warrior that day. She dropped to her knees, joining me on the ground. "Rue...Ruby! Please wake up!" she pleaded. Her pleas were drowned out by her cries. We were eventually found when Emilia's cries got louder. I was in a trance. I couldn't hear much besides a faint voice playing over in my head like a broken record. "Rosemead, go to Rosemead", the voice repeated in a sly, cunning and slithering voice. I assumed it came from the hydra.

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