The Nerdy- Stella

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The second day of the school and i was alone.

With Thea i could go anywhere and won't ever feel bored but now i was here sitting alone in the classroom wondering if I'm going to be the only student in this classroom today.
Well it's not my fault that i came early. A bit too early. 

I walked towards the door and leaned on the door's frame watching the view of the school ground when suddenly my eyes fall on a group of girls coming towards my direction. My social anxiety came again and i walked towards my seat to avoid any kind of eye contacts with them. The peaceful environment turned chaotic just as soon as they entered the classroom. I can tell they are all friends and are from this school.

They took a seat nearby me and continued their talking while i examined their faces with a quick glance. None of them seemed to look like the two girls i met yesterday. I wonder if they would come today.

The girls didn't stopped talking and it was getting so awkward for me to just sit alone quietly. Not like I can't talk to them. I could just go  ask them their names and start talking and laughing with them but something just seemed off. I did wanted to talk but with my people not with someone whom i just met.
Oh how i miss Thea right now. Only if she were here. And let me tell you! If she were to be here, all the girls would already have become her friends. That's just how she is. I miss her so badly.

The classes ended and i headed outside but the thought that i didn't see those two girls again didn't left my mind.

After that day i didn't attended any demo classes. I directly went to school on 3rd july. The strength of the class seemed quite good. 25-30 students are not bad though. It's better than having only 5-6 girls. But yes, i have a great experience in making things complicated for myself. The first dumb thing i did today was I took a seat on the third row's 4th bench when i came early in the morning and that was the worst decision ever. As after some time the same group of girls that i saw on my last day of demo classes sat around me. As usual luck wasn't with me. I couldn't change seats because most of the seats were already occupied by the time i realized that I've sat with wrong people and it will be too awkward to leave now. This row has a group of 3 benches and dumb me decided to sit on the bench attached to the wall AKA the corner seat. The 2 sat beside me and the other's behind us. Then a girl from behind spoke to me.

"Hey! So you're sitting with us, huh? That means we got a new member in our friend group!" She was so excited by this fact. 

"So what's your name?" Another one spoke. All five of them looking at me curiously.

"Jade Foster". I replied in a low voice. 

"oh Jade? One of my cousin's name is Jade too, lol" one of the girl sitting beside me said and started laughing. "And you know what? she's such a bitch! She was having an affair with her best friend's boyfriend." "I'm sure this Jade isn't like your cousin" i just laughed awkwardly at the other girls comment. What the hell was i supposed to say at this?

And then they all started bitching about some other girls. Well it's not like i don't gossip but i didn't feel comfortable around them for some reason. 

Just when they were busy talking my eyes fall on the girl who have just entered the classroom. She looks somehow familiar. Light brown skin, slightly chubby cheeks, long hair? yes it was her! She came and sat on the 2nd row's second bench. That seat was occupied before but now only she can be seen sitting there. Two girls were sitting in front of her as that row consisted two benches in each line. I watched her as she opened her notebook and started writing something. i wonder where her friend is. She sat there quietly, without any partner. 

After a few minutes the teacher arrived and she was the first one to stand up and greet the teacher. Hmm so she's a nerdy nerd? didn't thought so when i saw her with her friend. when the class started the teacher already knew her name and called her several times to run her errands and the girl got up energetically every single time. Teacher's favorite i see.  when the teacher finally started to tell about their subject and asked questions related to it, she answered every single  one confidently. I could never. Before leaving the class, teacher announced "As the full strength of students is finally started to come, i'm appointing a student as the class monitor. From today onwards Stella is the class monitor. And whoever creates a nuisance would be punished accordingly." So her name is Stella? and now she's the class monitor? GREAT! 

I whispered to the girl beside me "I don't think she can manage to take care of the whole class" the girl smiled "You don't know her, do you?"  i was confused by her statement "yeah i don't. And i can tell that she can't-" 

"QUIET EVERYONE!" A loud voice pierced through my ears and there was silence in the classroom in less then a second. I nearly got goosebumps by the voice. It was the same girl whom i had assumed to be the nerdy nerd and i thought she was just like the other nerds. Quiet, smart, unapproachable,  but here she is. This can't actually be real right? First day of the class and everyone has already started obeying her. I'm impressed.

 Her gaze fell upon me and i stopped smiling immediately. I forgot to breathe for a second. It felt like she's trying to pierce my soul with just her gaze. She held an eye contact for 2 seconds and then looked away. I blinked a few times and finally took a deep breath. No one dared to speak a word until the next teacher came. Okay, maybe she's not a Nerdy nerd.

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