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Layla comes back to, see the sight of Chloe and  Melody giggling.

She slightly raised an eyebrow but ignored it later on.

She sat back down and Jessica immediately turned to her.

Layla turns back and smiles at Jessica.

"Finally, you were taking so long!!" Jessica whined.

"Hah, sorry Jess. I got tired of walking mid way and slow down." Layla explained.

Jessica sighed, saying "It's fine!"

After Class

Jessica and Layla both walked out the classroom

They both had to separate to go to each of their lockers.

As Layla walks, a paper note drops out of her book..


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"Huh..?" Layla thought to herself as she picks it up.

She shrugs and and walks to her locker.

As Layla reaches her locker, she puts the books back in and unfolds the note.

Its reads..

"Hey Layla, I think I'm in love with you. I'm still curious about it though, I feel like I'm straight but then I'm not.."

Layla's cheeks tinted pink at the note.

She puts it down next to her body and she covers her mouth.

She looks over to Jessica's locker side and looks away, completely red.

Oh gosh.

Layla has been waiting for this day, the day Jessica would like her back.

But the bad part is, Jessica is still questioning if actually likes Layla or not.

Layla just wanted to be respectful so decided to not say anything about it for now until the time comes.

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