
31 3 12

Prompt: none


Harmless, aren't they?

Well, you would think.

It all began in one chilly night, when I couldn't sleep.

I know what you're thinking. What a cliché start of a story, not being able to sleep at night.

But, you see, the thing is, this wasn't a story.

It was reality.

I didn't know what to do, so I sat up in my bed, pondering on whatsoever to keep my mind and hands occupied as I tried to think of ways to get myself sleepy.

Beside my bed, on my nightstand that I'd painted black, sat my white yo-yo. Without another thought, I took it into my hands and started to fiddle with it, dangling it off my bed then flicking it back to my hands in sharp motions.

A low whirring noise resonated from my yo-yo as I threw it again and again in the simple responsive action, giving me a strange sense of relief.

Suddenly, the yo-yo hit the ground, making a loud thud echo around my small, dark room.

As I uneasily glanced around, I realized how pitch-black my room really was, and my body stiffened.

That's when my eyes began to play tricks on me.

Two glowing white circles appeared by the area around my closet. They bore into my own eyes, staring into my soul intently as if it wanted to pluck it out and devour it like a Dementor would.

My body didn't respond to my brain telling it, "Move, you idiot! Whatever that is can't be good!", so I just froze atop my bed like a block of ice.

It felt like a million years, staring into the white circles that would occasionally blink.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from it. Yes, I was scared, and I'd almost pissed my pyjamas, but I didn't. I also didn't talk, or make any sound, until a slithery noise reached my ears.

A vile aroma filled the air, and my nose twitched in displeasure, just once. But this little movement alerted the stationary whites, and they disappeared as quickly as they had come.

I gasped in surprise. It was just a small sound, really, just a wisp of air entering my trachea, but it slapped me awake from my uncanny trance, and I sat up straighter, puzzled.

"What the heck," I murmured in a low tone. "My eyes are too tired for this."

I glanced at the yo-yo in my hand and sighed, slowly leaning over the edge of my bed to return the fidget-inducing toy to my nightstand.

Then I slid my legs over the bed and slipped my cold feet into flip-flops, walking through the hallway and into the bathroom.

I sat on the toilet bowl and relieved myself for a few moments before I got back up on my legs and slowly stepped onto position to wash my hands.

My eyes only focused on water sloshing past my outstretched fingers and into the metal drain. I couldn't help but wonder where the drain leads to. Most likely to a filter and back into the ocean.

Another tired sigh left my mouth as I picked up the bar of soap in my hands, sliding it back and forth across my palms. Lather soon formed on my hands, so I returned the soap to its container and washed the bubbles and slippery liquid off.

I lifted my hands to dry it on the hand towel, then glanced in the mirror. Of course, my reflection stared back at me, but it was all wrong.

It was smiling.

Yes, yes, that's perfectly ordinary. I was probably grinning at the glass, and it was replicating my facial expression.

Except I wasn't. I could clearly feel a deep frown on my face. More so when I lifted my index finger to trace the creases between both of my eyebrows.

The only thing I remembered after that was my reflection's arms coming out of the mirror and grabbing my throat, strangling it until I passed out.

Hello. Author here.

I know, I know. This wasn't scary at all. But I was bored, so I just decided to try this out.

That's all. Hope you liked it.

𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now