Volume 1: Chapter 6: The Badge And The Burden

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Volume 1:
Chapter 6: The Badge and The Burden

Outside the open window of a dorm, the sky is bright blue and birds are chirping. As for inside the room itself, you and your newly-formed team are dressed in your pajamas and sleeping on your beds.

Technically, you woke up half an hour ago and you have trouble getting back to sleep. So you turn to your left and see the chess piece you received from the entrance exam.

"A black pawn." You think to yourself. "The weakest of the chess pieces according to common belief. And its colour is not favoured by most for it's believed to represent dark intentions."

Picking up the piece, you stare at it and continue:

"But the dark can be used for good so it's not necessarily a bad thing. And neither is being a pawn."

Sitting upright, you continue staring at the piece you're holding and think to yourself:

"Once a pawn reaches the end of the board, it can promote itself into any other piece it wants and is able to do anything. Since my team and I got the black pawns, once we reach our fullest potential, what is the greatest that we are able to do?"

An alarm clock placed on your right starts to ring, so you turn it off.

You stretch your arms and yawn from the bed you were sleeping on. After putting the chess piece back, you check your watch and realize:

"Two hours before class starts."

Getting your student uniform, you walk to the door of your dorm and open it. Then you stand under the open doorway and turn to your sleeping teammates.

"I'll wake them later, they definitely need more sleep." You think to yourself. "Though I can't think of anything that can disturb them now."

And as misfortune would have it, a loud whistle from one of the other dorms awakens all of your teammates.

"Ugh! Whose great idea is it to blow a whistle early in the morning?!" Ryden exclaims.

As luck would have it, a cheerful voice in the same dorm as the whistle announces:

"Good morning, team RWBY!"

You then facepalm and sigh:

"I should've closed the door next time."

"Any guesses who woke us up?" Kalmia asks.

"I'm thinking that it's Ruby, seeing that it's most likely the leader who announces their team." You predict.

"So...what now?" Asta asks.

"Get changed, use the showers if you have to. I'll talk to Ruby, leader to leader."

You head to team RWBY's dorm, after closing the door.


You walk to the front of the door of team RWBY's dorm, before you knock, you hear a voice and then two more at the same time yelling:


Despite being confused, you decide to knock anyway.

"Be right there!" The first voice alerts your presence.

The door opens and you see Ruby in her uniform by the doorway.

"Oh, hi Y/N!" The red hooded girl greets. "We were about to begin our first mission."

"Wow! You look cute in that uniform." You compliment in a daze.

"Uh...what?" Ruby slightly blushes.

"I-I mean the whistle of yours woke my teammates" You immediately correct yourself.

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