A visit from an angel! 👼

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Parker was on the hospital bed and Chester waited for everyone to leave before his BEAUTIFUL wings flapped down and his petite figure landed on the ground not making a sound. Chester then ran up to Parker and held his hand. The beeper thing )the thing that when people die it beeps) it's started beeping... Chester held his hand tightly as his shimmering tears slowly dropped onto Parker, Parker then woke up rubbing his eyes. "Parker?!?!" Chester jumped up to see him waking up "Chester?!?!" "W-w-w-what are you doing here I thought you hated me..." he rubbed his arm sadly. "I would never!" Chester said his eyes gleaming with a sincere look, "I was forced into doing it I really never meant to I love you and your all that matters to me!!" Chester looked down with tears streaming down his face. Parker lifted his chin up to face him (I'm so sorry 💀) and kissed him, the taste of his gay ass chapstick left Parker blushing. "I-I-I don't down what to s-say" Chester said blushing "nothing baby girl" they continued making out. "But what do you mean...you were forced to... kill me??" Chester then looked at him with droopy eyes... I-. PART THREE COMING SOON 😩😩😩

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