The chester head courters

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After Chester stabbed Parker with his magic sword he floated up into the sky, he felt extreme guilt from what he done. "I really loved him" he thought in his mind, he went to Chester head courtiers where there were many more Chesters there. He saw his friend, Chester #189. Chester #189: "what's wrong Chester #2." I'm just... feeling a little...sick *he runs his arms sadly remembering what he did* Chester #189: "ok..." Chester walked to his room and fell onto his bed holding onto his pillow crying "I really miss him" he thought crying himself to sleep. The next day Chester got up and got ready for the day brushing his weave some hair fell out but he thought it was normal. He went downstairs and walked "I will bring him back even if it's the last thing I do" he thought while walking ignoring everyone. Soon Chester #189 came up and was yelling at him but Chester was in his own world. He went back to earth where he saw Parker in the part three 😭🔫

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