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Chester and Parker were sitting down at the dining table staring DEEP into each others eyes, Parker said "I love you baby girl" and chest blushed so hard his skin almost melted off... "I-i-i-i-i love you too!!!!" Chester then crawled across the table his hair slowly falling out. He then started to make out with Parker but Parker pushed him off and said "to soon!!!" Parker ran to the car and Chester ran after him screaming wait!!!!! Parker looked behind him tears slowly glimmering down his face "I just can't love you..." Chester held his chest where his heart was and dropped to his knees crying "b-b-but I love you so much!" Parker turned around with a sad look "I'm sorry my star"  Chester cried harder as he grew alpha wings and his leg fell off as he started to float up "you disobey me!!!" He then stabbed Parker with his magic sword and Parker died saying "I'm sorry I always loved you..." then Chester went to the sky and never came back.

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