Chapter 4

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Zee was shocked as she suddenly found herself standing on the precipice of a breathtaking landscape, bathed in the soft glow of an otherworldly light. The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers and the gentle rustle of leaves, a symphony of nature that seemed to dance in harmony with the very essence of the world itself.

Before her stood a figure of radiant beauty, their form shrouded in celestial light that shimmered like the stars themselves. Their eyes sparkled with wisdom and kindness, their presence filling Zee with a sense of awe and reverence.

"Welcome, child of destiny," the celestial figure spoke, their voice a melodic melody that seemed to echo through the very fabric of reality. "I have been expecting you."

Zee's heart raced with excitement as she gazed upon the celestial being before her, their presence filling her with a sense of purpose that she had never known before. "Who are you?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

The celestial figure smiled, a warm and gentle expression that seemed to envelop Zee in its embrace. "I am a messenger of the Celestial Cities," they replied, their voice filled with an otherworldly grace. "I have come to share with you a prophecy of great importance."

As the celestial figure spoke, the world around them seemed to shimmer and shift, revealing images of events yet to come. Zee watched in awe as the prophecy unfolded before her eyes, each vision more wondrous and awe-inspiring than the last.

"You are destined for greatness, child," the celestial figure proclaimed, their voice ringing with certainty. "But your path will be fraught with challenges, because you have many that will stand against you in your mission."

The celestial figure turned a gentle smile towards Zee before, without warning, they started speaking once again. This time the celestial spoke in riddles that confused Zee.


In whispers woven through the night, A prophecy unfolds its light. Of shadowed lands and souls entwined, Where destinies in secret bind.

Through fields of gold and skies of blue, A tale of love both old and new. But in the heart of light's embrace, Lurk's shadows cast a somber trace.

A cherished one, beloved, dear, Shall fall beneath the veil of fear. Their presence fades, a silent sigh, As dreams of love begin to die.

Of those we love and those we lost, in the end there will be a pricey cost

Yet in the depths where darkness thrives, A figure lingers, whispers thrive. The Dark, with a cunning eye, Takes hold of power, reigns on high.

But fate's own hand, a silent force, Unravels schemes, diverts the course. For shadows fade, and light prevails, As hope resurges, love unveils.

In echoes of the prophecy, A tale of loss and victory. For though the road is fraught with strife, In the end, it leads to life.


As the celestial figure finished speaking, the landscape around them began to fade, the ethereal light dimming as Zee's consciousness began to return to the waking world. But even as the dream slipped away, the memory of the prophecy remained etched in her mind, it stayed as something spinning around and around in her head.

Zee stirred from the depths of her slumber, her heart racing with the remnants of her dream. Images of the celestial figure and the prophecy swirled through her mind, leaving her breathless and disoriented.

With a gasp, Zee sat bolt upright, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath. Sweat beaded on her brow, her hands trembling with the residual fear that lingered from her dream.

Astraeon: EchoesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora