Chapter 5- Day 1 of Suspension

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The sun creeps thru my window shining into my room. I squint my eyes looking over at my alarm it's 6:30 am. I roll over covering my face with my pillow to try to go back to sleep.

I hear footsteps coming from the hallway and my door opens.
"Rise and Shine, time to get up" Garrett says running my light on coming over to me pulling the pillow off my head tossing it to the end of the bed.
I squint my eyes because it's so bright.
"I don't even have school today I don't need to be up this early. I'm going back to bed" I say.
"No ma'am you're not, just because you're suspended from school does not mean you get to sleep in. You have homework to do and chores to do around here, now get up. Breakfast will be ready in 10 minutes"
he said with a firm voice.
"Ughhhh okay!" I yell.
"Katie... I suggest you change your attitude this morning or you're gonna get an attitude adjustment. Now get dressed go to breakfast. Don't make me come back up here or you will not like the outcome...." Be warns.
"Yes sir" I say
"Good" he says walking out of my room leaving my door open.
I throw my head on the pillow and sigh. So much for sleeping in like I wanted to.
I get out of bed walking to my closet and grab some clothes. I pick out blue jeans with a black t-shirt and black converse.
I go to the bathroom and brush my hair rinsing my face off. I change into the outfit I picked out. I rub lotion on my arms and my face.
I then make my bed because I know Garrett or John will tell me to anyways. After I'm done making my bed I head to the kitchen.
"Good morning John says as he looks up from reading a news paper with coffee in his other hand.
"Hi" I say walking to the fridge grabbing orange juice and a glass from the cabinet. I poor myself some orange juice into my glass. I walk to the table and Garrett just finished making breakfast.
We're having scrambled eggs with a side of toast and bacon.
Garrett brings me my plate setting it down in front of me. We all sit down and start eating. John and Garrett start talking about how they need to move the cattle to the other pasture for this month.
"Katie when you're done with your breakfast load the dishwasher, then go change into bootcut jeans and put your boots on. Then meet us at the barn" John says getting up from the table putting his plate and coffee cup in the sink. He walks to the door grabbing his cowboy hat off the coat rack putting onto his head. Garrett follows him doing the same thing. The walk out the front door to the barn.
I finish my breakfast and drink my orange juice. I grab my glass and plate putting them into the sink. I start loading the dishwasher. After I head up to my room and change into bootcut jeans and my boots.
I head down to the barn, I walk into the barn and see 3 horses saddled.
"Come here Katie" John says walking into the tack area of the barn. I follow him and he grabs sunscreen off the shelf.
"We gotta go move cattle and since you're not in school you have to come, now close your eyes you need to put sunscreen on so you don't burn" he says.
He sprays my skin with the sunscreen.
"I don't want to ride a horse" I say
"You have no choice you need to learn any how" John says as he walks out of the tack room.
"But I don't want to" I say following him.
"I don't care what you want to do. You're going with us and END OF STORY" he warns.
Garrett walks over with a cowboy hat in his hand.
"Here ya go squirt" he says putting the hat on my head. I sit down on the hay bales but wince because my ass is so sore.
They finish getting the horses saddled and ready to go.
"Come her Katie" John says gesturing me to come over to him. I walk over to him standing next to the bay gelding.
"You're gonna ride this gelding. Don't yank on the reins just hold them below the saddle horn without an pressure unless you want him to go a certain way. You won't have to do much because he'll be following us" he says picking me up putting me on the horse. "Ow!" I yelp, my ass hurts from the spanking I received last night.
"I can't sit in the saddle...." I say
"You're gonna have to" John says as he  helps me get my feet into the stirrups.
"But my butt hurts" I whine.
"Well maybe you'll think twice before getting suspended" he says getting on his horse.
"Relax, sit up straight it will help your balance. Please pay attention and listen to us" Garret says getting onto his horse. We walk out of the barn, the horses feet make a clicking sound as the horseshoes from their feet press against the concrete in the barn.
I put hold the horn with one hand and the other I hold the reins below the horse and just relax my hand there.
The cows are about 15 miles at the far end pasture. It's gonna take a little bit to get to them.
"Katie when we start to move the cattle, I need you to stay back. You don't know how to ride that well and I don't want you getting hurt. Don't even go close to the cattle" John says turning and  looking at me.
"Ok" I say rolling my eyes seems pretty easy to ride a horse to me let alone move cattle.
"Katie! Don't you roll your eyes at John!" Garrett warns.
"Whatever" I say.
"Little girl you better loose that fucking attitude before I yank you off that horse and tan your hid" John warns pointing his finger at me.
My stomach drops when he said that he looks pissed.
"Yes sir" I reply looking down not making eye contact.
"Look at me and you're speaking to me" he warns as he grits his teeth.
"Yes sir" I say looking at him.
You can tell my brothers aren't in the mood to deal with my bullshit today.
We get closer to where the cattle are grazing, I kinda got the hang of riding a horse. It's actually super fun! My brothers told me to stay back but I think can help.... I'll show them I can move cattle. How hard can it be.
Garrett and John lead their horses further in front of me to push the cattle. They start moving the cattle in the direction where we first came from. It's been about 15 minutes and we're about half way from the ranch.
I just follow a bit behind the cattle when a heifer and a calf wonders away from the cattle. I lead my horse to go follow and push them back to the herd.
John sees me follow the heifer with her calf
"KATIE WINCHESTER! DON'T MESS WITH THAT HEIFER!" He yells he and Garrett are on the other side of the herd.
I ignore him and he turns his horse towards my direction and starts running fast toward me.
I get closer the to heifer and her calf and try to push her back with the herd. She gets defensive and charges at my horse. My horse gets spooked rearing up, I loose my balance causing me to fall off. The heifer and calf  got spooked and took off back to the herd.
I lay on the ground trying to catch my breath because I fell on my back so it knocked the air out of me. I look over and John jumps off his horse running over to me.
"Katie! are you okay!!!!" He says running over to where I am kneeling down by me. He was there in a heart beat.
"I-I'm okay" I say.
John hugs me, and then he helps me up. My hat fell off and he grabs it putting it back onto my head.
"Now since you're okay, go grab that switch on the ground for me" he says
"Why do you need that?" I question not knowing why he needs that.
"Because I'm gonna bust you're ass with it" he says
I kinda laugh a bit.
"For what!" I say
"You're gonna think it's funny here in a minute for disobeying me!  I told you specifically NOT to do that. Now get me that damn switch" he raises his voice.
I walk over to the switch and my horse is standing next to it. I decided to take a leap of faith try to run away from this one.
I quickly get on the horse and kick him to run away from my brother.
"KATIE!!!!!!" He yells
I look behind me to see John jump on his horse and take off after me. Oh he's pissed.....
Garrett is dealing with the cattle and he's watching everything that's going down.
"Get her ass!" Garrett yells
John whips his horse to run faster toward me.
I'm kicking my horse making him run faster to home, I turn to check again and my brother is gaining on me.
"YOU BETTER STOP THAT FUCKING HORSE!!!!" John yells so loud as he continues to get closer and closer.
My horse definitely isn't as fast as my brother's horse I'll tell you that much.
My brother is about a car distance from me, at the point my stomach sinks. There's no way I'm gonna get out of this.
My brother finally gets his horse side by side next to mine. I look over at him he is fuming....
He reaches over and grabs the reins controlling my horse. He slows down his horse and mine slows down. He drops his rein from his horse still holding the rein on mine.
He gets off his horse in a swift motion marching over to me yanking me off my horse letting go of the reins once he has me off the horse.
He wraps one of his arms around my back grabbing my waste without warning he lets all hell loose spanking my ass.
"Ow!!!!" I yell trying to cover my ass and he hits my hand causing me to move my hand.
After about 5 minutes he stops grabbing a switch on the ground and gives me 5 swats with it.
I'm crying, my ass hurts so much.
"Get your fucking ass on that horse. I don't want another word out of you until we get home! You better not pull another stunt like that or it will be 10x worse. Now get on that horse and follow me!" He raises his voice at me throwing the switch on the ground.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 11 ⏰

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