Untitled Part 1

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Demon love.

Creak creak creak... I'm hiding in the attic right now. There is some sort of demons downstairs. I'm scared. My roommate is gone at the grocery. I need help. I don't currently have my phone with me. I can't call the police. I've been hearing creaking noises for a while now. I tell my roommate that I think there is something in the house. My roommate doesn't believe me. I wanna move out but I don't have enough money for an apartment. I have to stay at the house for until I have more money to provide a new house for me. I need to get a job. Bit I can't find one right now because th demon downstairs. I caught a glimpse of the demon. It was black with completely white eyes. It has a red mouth and sharp teeth. What if the demon finds me? I don't think it will. I hope it won't find me. Creak creak creak... The creaking sounds are getting louder.. It's getting closer. Closer, and closer, and closer... I have to hide behind the boxes in the closet. It might hear my steps. I'll risk it... Creak creak creak.... The sounds are a lot louder. I am now hiding behind the boxes that are in the attic. I can hear the soft growling of the demon. The growling is getting louder an more aggressive. The demon seems to be coming into the attic. The lights in the attic are off and the demon seems partially blind. I don't think it will find me... The growling is getting louder. The demon is getting closer... My heart is beating as fast as a race car. The demon is walking away. I'm safe. I hope my roommate comes home soon. The demon is now put of the attic and far away from the attic. I can hear the house door opening. I think my roommate is home. I can't be too sure so I just stay in the attic for a few more minutes until he calls my name. I hear keys dangling. But he only has one key. That isn't him the keys sound like mine. I have seven keys. Don't ask. But my roommate has one so the demon is dangling my keys to make me think my roommate is home so I I'll come out of my hiding spot. So the keys that are clinging together are my keys. Not my roommates keys. This demon doesn't seem to observe my roommate much. This demon seems almost.. Obsessed with me. I hear my roommate pulling into the driveway. The demons seems to be hiding somewhere now. My roommate might be coming inside I'll wait until he calls my name. I can now hear the door opening and him putting the groceries on the counter. Now I wait. "Axellll! I bought you crispss!!!" He's home. I'm gonna walk out of the attic now.... Ok I'm out of the attic and I see him. I'm glad he's home. (Time skip 11:35pm) Creak creak creak. I immediately sit up after hearing the creaking sounds. The demon is awake.. Creak creak creak... The noises are getting louder. It's close.... I'll pretend to be asleep to see why happens. I lay back down and close my eyes as I continue to listen to the creaking sounds. The demon is getting closer, and closer, and closer... I can hear my doorknob turning. My door freaks as the demon walks inside. I have on eye slightly open so I can see what it's doing. The demon seems to be looking around my room. It's getting closer to me. I can't stress or else it'll hear my heavy breathing. The demon is clawing my desk. It noticed me... I hope it thinks I'm asleep. Even though on of my eyes are slightly open I don't think it can tell if I'm awake or not. I feel the demon touching my arm. It's claws are scratching me and making me bleed. This will be good evidence for my roommate. He will soon believe in the demon that lives here with us. The demon has moved his hand from my arm to my hair. It's now playing with my hair. I can hear the soft growling of th demon. It doesn't seem like it wants to hurt me... I can hear my roommate getting up the demon hid under my bed. I can hear my roommate walking past my room. I sit up. My roommate noticed me. "Axel you should be asleep at this time."he seemed very tired. I start talking "well I was trying to sleep then I heard you open your door. That had woken me up." my roommate walked away. I look under my bed and I see the demons white eyes. "Let's name you." the demon growls softly. "How about... Hades?" the demon growls softly again. I think that means yes. "Ok." amy roommate walks past my door again. My roommate didn't notice me. I could hear his door opening as he walked inside his room. The demon crawled from under my bed. My heart is racing. The demon now knows I'm awake now. But it seems nice. I had placed my hand on his head. The demon jumped back. Is seems just as scared as I am. I hugged the demon. The demon had hugged me back with his nails digging into my back. I pulled back. "Sorry but your nails are clawing into my back and it hurts. I also have to get to bed. Goodnight." I lay down on my bed and fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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