Chapter 12

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My parents' wedding was not a royal wedding in the classical sense, but describing it as anything else would be pure folly. Queen Alicent, who as the records indicate had largely taken charge of the plans for the wedding, had dipped significantly into the coffers of both the Iron Throne and the Hightower to pay for the wedding, and the presence of the Lords Paramount, or at least representatives of them, had been requested.

It must have been a joyous occasion to say the least. Though, one thing we do know is that not all of the people there would have been happy at the wedding. Least of all my uncle Aemond...


128 AC

The journey to King's Landing was tedious to say the least. They'd been at sea for nearly a week, with Daevar growing increasingly tired of travelling by ship; there was very little to do to keep himself occupied outside of training below deck with Kermit and Daeron, and that was only if the three of them weren't feeling too seasick. At the moment, he was currently in his cabin, fast asleep after what felt like hours of tossing and turning; the constant rocking of the ship made it quite difficult for one to sleep.

It had not felt very long since he had finally managed to the night before that Daevar felt his rest being disturbed by a stern voice. "Wake up, My Lord. You have a wedding to attend in King's Landing. Or have you forgotten?" Daevar opened his sleep-encrusted eyes to see Gerold Royce standing over him with his arms crossed. By his side was Julia, who had insisted on joining them to make sure everything was going to plan. Both of them were dressed in their finest attire, with the colours of House Royce incorporated one way or another. With Gerold, he wore a finely polished, ornate chestplate decorated with the runic markings of the First Men, while Julia had her dress embroidered with small buttons made of bronze, each carved with a different runic icon.

Daevar groaned, turning over in his bed. With his back facing Runestone's Master-of-Arms, he mumbled, "Sleep now... wedding later..." as he began to drift off once more.

Julia, however, was having none of it. "I think not." She said, marching right up to the window and pulling apart the curtains. Almost instantly, the cabin was flooded with sunlight, shining directly into Daevar's face. He let out a yelp at the sudden flash of light, falling out of his bed and landing right onto the wooden deck. "Now get up." Julia instructed. "It will reflect poorly on you to present yourself like that on your wedding day."

Daevar, now on the floor yet still not quite awake, sat up and rubbed his face. "Ser Gerold... I remove you as Master-at-Arms at Runestone..." He managed to mutter out.

"I'd be more ready to heed my lord's order when he has a Lady by his side." Gerold replied, a small hint of amusement in his voice. "In the meantime, I strongly suggest you prepare yourself." Having said his last piece, Gerold and Julia left the cabin, to give Daevar his privacy.

Daevar sighed, hauling himself up to his feet and disrobing. As he dressed himself with his formal clothing – consisting of a plain white tunic, a pair of brown trousers, and black cuffed boots – he couldn't help but wonder what else had happened within the Red Keep during his absence, or if Helaena had changed much. Just as he was pulling on his tunic, he heard a knock on his cabin door. "Enter." He said.

The door opened, allowing Kermit to enter the cabin carrying the final pieces of Daevar's vestments. He was currently dressed in the best clothes he had, consisting of a deep blue tunic with the trout of House Tully stitched into the front, a red cloak that hung loosely off his shoulders, as well as a standard pair of trousers and finely polished boots. Attached to his cloak was a bronze talisman, carved with a series of runes, likely at Gerold's behest to represent House Royce. It was rather astounding to see the Tully lad dressed so well so early in the morning. Most likely thanks to Gerold being present at the moment. "You look like you slept well, Lord Royce." Kermit said, rather playfully, placing the items down as he noticed his friend's bedraggled hair and the circles under his eyes.

The Bronze Dragon-A House of the Dragon fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora