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Haley's pov

We're at dinner and they serve us snake soup.

Coco says"I have rule about eating things with to many legs and no legs.

Mrs.venable says"we're not forcing you to eat.

We're about to eat when the snakes back alive and  we all get up and back away.

Later that day we all have a meeting in the library and a man walks in and he's hot.

Man says"my name is Langdon and I represent the cooperative. Humanity is on the brink of failure. My arrival here was crucial to the survival of civilized life on earth. The three other compounds-in Syracuse, New York,  Beckley, West Virginia, and San Angelo, Texas have been overrun and destroyed. We've had no contact from the six international outposts, but we are assuming that, they, too, have been eliminated.

Timothy says"what happened to the people inside?

Langdon says"massacred. The same fate that will befall almost all of you.

Mallory says"almost all?

Langdon says"In. The knowledge that this very monent might occur, we built a failsafe the sanctuary.

Coco says"the sanctuary?

Langdon says"the sanctuary is unique. It has certain security measures that will prevent overrun.

Mrs.venable says"what measures? Why weren't we given them?

Langdon says"that's classified. All that matters is that the sanctuary will...survive, so the people populating it will survive, so humanity will survive.

Timothy says"who are the people that are populating it?

Langdon says"also classified. However, I have been sent to determine if any of you are worthy and fit to join us. The cooperative has developed a particular and rigorous questioning technique we like to call...cooperating. I will the. Use the information gained to determine if you belong.

Coco says"what is this the hunger games? This is bullshit. I payed my way In here, and that is the only cooperating I plan on doing.

Langdon says"you don't have to sit for questioning.

Gallant says"what happens if we decide not to?

Langdon says"then you stay here and die.

Haley says"I volunteer to go first.

Langdon says"and so you shall. The process should only take me a couple of days,  so you won't be in suspense forever. For those of you who don't make the cut, all is not lost. If the worst should happen and feral cannibals come knocking, down one of these. One minute later, you fall asleep and never wake up.  I look forward to meeting each and every one of you.

He leaves and coco grabs me and pulls out into the hallway.

Coco says"what the hell was that?

Haley says"I didn't think it mattered.

Coco slaps me.

Coco says"don't ever embarrass me like that again. You should know that I am first always and that your second.

Haley says"I know should've thought of that I'm really sorry. I'll remember that for next time.

Coco says"you better.

Coco walks away and I go to my room and start crying.

Later that day at the interview with Langdon.

Langdon says"what's your sexual orientation?

Haley says"I'm straight.

Langdon says"tell me about your anger. Tell me about your sister.

Haley says"why would you put those two things together?

He doesn't say anything.

Haley says"okay. My sister isn't the nicest person. She's the only person I have and yet she's the worst you could ever have by your side.

Langdon says"why?

Haley says"because if I try to be my own person and make my own decisions she hates it. Anything that gets in the way of having all the attention on her makes her mad.

Langdon says"you're scared of her.

Haley says"what do you know?

Langdon says"maybe I'm sensing something or maybe I have a file that tells me everything I need to know or maybe I'm just fishing. Tell me the first time she ever scared you.

He walks over to me and I start getting nervous.

Haley says"are you looking for a confession?

Langdon says"I'm not a priest. I don't even know if I believe in god. I mean, if there was a god, why would he allow the Armageddon? The concept of sin does seem a bit antiquated. Rules for keeping the chaos at bay. No need for rules anymore chaos has won.

Haley says"the first time she ever scared me was when I went to prom and I spent months preparing for it and I found the perfect dress and when I went everyone loved my dress I got compliments from almost everyone there but when I got home my sister was so mad she slapped me and told me to never pull a stunt like that again and the only reason she was mad at me was because I took the attention away from her and that was the first time she ever really scared me.

Langdon says"ok, let's continue this conversation another time.

Haley says"ok.

I leave and go to my room.

The end of the chapter.

Michael Langdon حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن