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×| A/N |×
Hey y'all hope you are enjoying this book so far! I apologise for the upcoming content it's currently 11 in the evening and I have had a long day, so this might end up a little... Sassy.


I'm not sure how long it has been, but all I know is that I am hungry. And if I'm hungry I'll get hangry.(hungry X angry) I have been in this doomed room for quite long with only my own thoughts. And in my opinion too long. I want out.

Just like that my prayers have been answered and the door to 'my room' opens. There stands one of the men who forced me into this room along with someone else who is wearing some sort of a white gown. He looks a little bit like a scientist or a doctor. Shit. I hope they aren't going to try some crazy dark magic on me.

The non scientist comes and grabs me by my bisept and drags me out the door. I slightly protest only to annoy him a little as he drags me across the halls. Sooner than I would have liked I am taken to yet another room. This one is filled with test tubes filled with colourful liquids, needles, and a lot of papers scattered everywhere. In the middle of the room there is a chair with some leather straps.

As I notice the straps I turn around and try and run. I am grabbed by the large man and pushed into the chair. He holds me still while the scientist closes the straps around my wrists, waist, chest, and legs. The scientist gags me with a cloth and tightens it so hard that it's in my mouth. This fucking bitch.

I look across the room to the door and see yet again a familiar face. There stands the other one of the two men who had forced me into the basement. He was a little bit smaller than the other man. He walks over to the scientist and starts to speak. "Are you sure this is safe? Makarov said that we can't harm her." Even though I hate Makarov I can't help but mentally thank him, because I'm sure I would be dead by now otherwise.

"Yeah yeah I'm sure. I have tried it out already. There are only a few side effects..." The scientists trails off looking at me. "And they are?" The smaller man asks raising an eyebrow. "Dizziness is common and some people may loose their vision for a little while, but nothing major." The man nods and walks over to me.
"You are lucky you are his "FaMilY". Otherwise I would have already slit that pretty throat of yours." He says brining his index finger to my neck and tracing across it while maintaining eye contact.

I shiver at the thought. I feel something slide down my cheek. Am I crying? "Oh princess... Don't cry, this is just the start." The taller man says wiping the tears from my, now surely red, cheeks. I can't control myself anymore and start hysterically crying. I try and wiggle myself out from the leather straps, but they are really tight and just rub against my skin.

The scientist walks up to me. He has some sort of a needle with him. It has dark purple liquid in it. "Now this will sting a little." He says bringing it to one of my veins in my arm. He's speaking like he cares, but it's certain that he doesn't. I don't know what the liquid will do to me, but I know that it can't be good.

He injects the liquid in me and I cry out in pain. The liquid stings and I can feel it flowing through my body. The men laugh at my cry and I cry out again, this time because I feel the liquid in my head, it burns and I feel like I'm about to pass out. I close my eyes waiting for my head to explode.

Then suddenly it stops.

I slowly open my eyes, hoping I might have actually died, but am met with the very same room I was in before closing them. I don't really feel any different except a little confused. Why did they inject that liquid in me if it wouldn't do anything?

One of the men takes the gag off and my jaw feels really sore, dip shits. "So what's your name?" I want to argue, but for some reason I can't. As I try to do it regardless I accidentally say my name. "L/N Y/N." I curse myself in my head. Why did I just say that?

"Looks like the truth serum really works, doc." The taller man says, I can tell he is smiling down at me from the way there appear wrinkles around his eyes. Truth serum, huh? This is how they will try and make me reveal information? Good luck, I just won't speak at all then.

The taller man takes a chair from somewhere in the room and brings it infront of me. He leans closer so that we are just inches apart.

"Where is your base?" The man asks with the most predator like tone. Screw you. I don't know and I won't answer. Despite me trying not to answer it slips out "I don't know." The man looks super confused at me and then at the scientist. "What the fuck is this bullshit doc! Of course she knows! That truth serum does not work!" He stands up super fast and makes the chair fall over. He walks up to the scientist or what I now maybe consider a doctor and grabs the collar of his shirt.

"I swear it works! I don't know how she doesn't know!" The doctor tries to defend himself, but the larger man punches him in the face.

"Take the girl back to her cell. She doesn't need to see this." I mentally thank him when his friend starts opening the leather straps, wich connect me to the chair. I don't protest and we leave. He has his guard down thinking that I have already given up, but then I just start to run.

He shouts at me to stop, but I don't. I don't stop. I run as fast as I can turning more corners than I can count, but I don't care. Tears stream down my face, but I don't care. My feet start to feel numb and my head dizzy, but I DON'T CARE! I want out from here. I want to be under the protection of König. I want to feel at peace like I did when we were sleeping together.

I come to a dead end and the man catches up to me. "There is nowhere to run sweetheart. Just come on here. I will need to punish you, but don't worry. I'll go easy on you." I don't need to be super smart to understand what he means with "punish" and it disgusts me.

I turn to look out the large window at the end of the hall. It's a two story drop. I'm quite sure  I'll die, but it's better than beeing caught and locked up forever, so I just jump trough the window.

The glass breaks and slices me, but I don't care. I drop for what feels like forever... Memories flash of Ruby, König, Makarov and the scientist and his needles. This will end. Everything comes to an end... It always does.

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