Internet Sensation 2

720 57 15

"bey your never on your phone this much" my best friend complained

"I'm listening Kelly"

"I want your attention girl I'm showing your something" she was right but it wasn't my fault someone kept messaging me

"sorry go with second one he'd like it" she sucked her teeth at me

"I didn't even get to the second one that's how I know you not here with me who's got your attention don't tell me you let Shawn back in after 7 good years"

"not that I have to tell you but mama's candidate is funny and he's a good guy"

"same one you swore up and down that you'd not look in the same direction twice?, the one Solange said she'd let walk on her?"

"mhmm" she didn't even have to say all that

"the world must be ending how long ya'll been talking?"

"1 month but Kelly it feels longer than that and mama likes him"

"not you got a crush on your internet hubby" she laughed gaining attention from the workers around us

"girl hush I don't have a crush he's just different from what I expected like...he likes to watch cartoons and he stayed up on the phone the other night to watch bridgeton with me"

"your gone girl is he coming to the launch tonight?"

"you know Celestine invited him before I could think of it that's her good good son apparently"

"you know Mama, she wouldn't be trying this hard if she haven't found the ideal qualities of a good man and your clearly falling into her plan"

"no I'm only doing this because we made a deal and I want to prove him wrong" that was partly the truth

"I don't believe you bey he has you smiling at your phone and baby, if you can make her smile you can make her cum" she sang out

"yeah cause no"

"cause yes your inner freak needs to be let out again" she side eyed me "unless you've been with Shawn again which I hope not cause ya'll co-parent well enough"

"we don't have sex kelendria damn"

"just checking I know how dumb you use to be over him"

"ya'll steady in on my business is ya'll getting paid for that or is your husband not enough"

"see now you gonna have to fight my man been present he knows he got a wife and kids at home"

"bitch that's a low blow"

"your moving on though you can laugh at that shit now"

she's right I've been over it the second time around I was up outta there the first time was his final warning

"y/n is coming to pick me up though"

"oohh where is he taking us?"

"who is us? you had me in here 2 hours and I'm hungry I want seafood"

"where is he now?"

"was at the gym he has a fight on the first"

"you excited"

"for what I don't like the aggressiveness"

"you say that now but when he gets in your bed.." she cut herself off grinning

"that won't be happening"

"and why not" the voice made my body heated and my feet betrayed me keeping me planted in one spot

Imagines (Beyonce x y/n)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ