chapter 13

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Gemini is not insane despite what his mother and therapist might think. If he was truly insane as they think he would have snapped Yechan's arm that was currently hanging around Fourth's shoulders in half. But because Gemini is perfectly a sane individual, he will not do that. Instead, he will plaster his perfectly pearly white smile and give a polite head nod whenever he makes eye contact with the guy.

He doesn't even understand why Yechan had to come to the studio to bring Fourth lunch when the company literally provides the best food available for them. Now Gemini doesn't want to come across as self-centered and think that the world revolves around him, but Yechan's presence feels deliberate. It feels like he came to the studio to purposefully rile up Gemini, to provoke him. The guy keeps looking over in his direction and giving him a self-satisfied smug smile.

Gemini hates him. Now Yechan hasn't done anything to him personally, so logically, he shouldn't have any reason to hate him, but for the love of all that is good and merry, Gemini hates him with a passion. And maybe it's unfair, but Gemini doesn't care, and he feels intitled to his feelings. It's not like anyone can judge him in the safety of his mind.

"Hey Gemini." Fourth's voice snaps him out of his spiraling thoughts. When did Fourth even walk towards him?

When Gemini catches Fourth's gaze, he realises that the bane of his existence is standing next to Fourth, standing too close for his comfort. Gemini had to use a heroic effort not to frown and plaster one of his polite smiles, the one he uses when meeting some really boring executives.

"Hello..." He replies, and he is proud of himself when the irritation in his voice is not evident.

"I wanted you to meet Yechan-hyung. Apparently, he is a big fan of yours." Fourth says in perfect Korean because he can do that now, because Fourth has lived for half a decade in Korea. Away from Gemini and his family.

"Oh. I am flattered." Gemini replies in Korean because he had learned to be fluent in it a few years back when he was determined to uproot his life in Thai and follow the love of his life to Korea. Before his parents, psychiatrist and friends told him that it might be a bad idea. That he must give Fourth some space. That the space would do both of them good. Look where that got him.

"Your last English EP was dope. Your lyrics are so relatable. The amount of longing and yearning was just the perfect amount. What inspired it?" Yechan asks in English. The asshole probably thinks Gemini doesn't know Korean.

But to be fair, he looks really nice, and the compliment does sound sincere. It sounds like he actually listened to the EP and possibly enjoyed it. Maybe Gemini is being unfair and probably unreasonable by hating the guy solely because he is familiar with Fourth. Yet, on the other hand, he really doesn't care because the bastard keeps flirting with Fourth, and anyone who flirts with Fourth is on his enemy list.

Okay, maybe that is a little crazy. He is probably towing on the line of insanity right now.

"Oh, I am glad to hear you liked it. It was actually inspired by my life story. I lost something really precious because of stupidity, and I hope I can one day have it back. Even if it's a small fraction of it." Gemini says, his eyes moving from Yechan to Fourth for a few seconds.

"Lost love, huh? I bet if that person would listen to the EP, they would come back in a heartbeat. I know I would." Yechan said, his voice sounding a bit too flirtatious, and Gemini swears that the guy winked at him.

Was Yechan flirting with him? Judging by that smile, the bustard was actually flirting with him. Gemini is very self-aware, so being the self-aware individual he is. He knows he can be a little delusional sometimes, but he knows as well that right now, at this moment. Yechan is flirting with him.

"Hyung! Please stop flirting with my colleagues." Fourth scolds his older friend looking at Gemini somewhat apologetically. His cheeks tinted a beautiful shade of rose pink. Fourth looks so cute when he is embarrassed.

Then again, Gemini acknowledges that he is biased and he finds everything about Fourth adorable. Fourth could literally stand there and do nothing but just breathe, and Gemini would still find him cute.

"Is it flirting if it's truth Fourth-ah?" Yechan replies, giving a teasing smile before turning and giving Gemini a bright smile, like truly blinding.

"I am so sorry for him, Gem. Yechan-hyung just has to embarrass me every chance he gets." Fourth says sound truly apologetic.

Yechan grabs Fourth and playfully ruffles his hair, making the younger laugh, although he was still groaning and complaining. It was both a devastating and precious side. Precious because it's Fourth genuinely laughing, the same kind of laughter he had when they used to close. Back when they were young and things made sense. Before he fucked up their relationship.

"I am embarrassing you huh? You little bugger! Disrespecting your hyung." Yechan says in Korean and Gemini just stands there and try with all his might not to do anything stupid like pull Fourth out of Yechan's clutches.

It's really so embarrassing for him to be this jealous over someone who probably doesn't like him anymore. It doesn’t matter if Fourth detests him now, in his heart of hearts he knows that he will win him back. It might be his delusions talking but Gemini genuinely believes that Fourth still has feelings for him. What they had was special, that kind of love just doesn't disappear even if it's been half a decade.

"Well it was nice seeing you Gem. Good work today. See you tomorrow." Fourth says smiling at him. It's one of his genuine smiles where his eyes crinkle a bit. He is so gorgeous it physically hurts Gemini how devine Fourth is.

"See you tomorrow Fotfot." Gemini replies and he could feel his lips stretched out into a genuine smile.

Fourth startles a little bit at the nickname but then his face lights up and his smile becomes brighter. For a second there it feels like the sun has just come out of the clouds to light up this room. Gemini didn't think Fourth could get any more beautiful but this smile right there, it proved him wrong. Gemini is so in love with Fourth it's not even funny. It is illogical at this point. But Gemini doesn't care about logic.

His mother and therapist would probably call it obsession, and maybe to a certain extent they might be right. But are you truly in love with someone if they don't occupy your every thought? If they don't make you feel like you are floating and if they don't brighten up your day?

As Gemini watches Yechan and Fourth walk away he is determined to do whatever it takes to get Fourth back. He decides that no mountain, nor sea, or a thing of this world could keep them apart, because this world is not his. Fourth his world and he will do anything to keep his world to himself.

Gemini is not insane... not yet anyways.

We Used To Be FriendsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon