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"In the early mornings, life is dull. In the late cold evenings, life is still... So dull." That's the quote that Jiang Cheng recites like some mantra in his head everyday. His life has been empty, nothing makes him smile, no one can ever make his day anymore. Especially after the terrible tragedy that had happened in their own little home. He's lost his own will, he's lost all the sun rays that kept him away from entering wrong and dark side of the society. But in the end, after he's lost the innocence, he was pulled in like it wanted to gobble him whole.

His eyes lost the light that once shined so brightly that it affected everyone that would have the chance to stare. But now, he's... Gone. The old and bright Jiang Cheng died the same day as that very tragedy.


One morning, he wakes up and usually goes for a jog straight to the gym. He puts on his socks, shoes, and hat. Starting out with a slow run and as time goes by, he goes faster, and faster. The sun was yet to fully rise, it's orange horizons comforts Jiang Cheng's depressed soul. For only a second. The morning air was fresh and cold, pushing away the drowsiness that stuck.

Once he reached the gym, it was open. There were few people, all that he knows of, but none of them are his friends. He has none after all. He goes inside and sees some of the few familiar girls sucking up to an unfamiliar person. Was he new? Seems so. But he didn't care, he wasn't there for gossip or guys- or girls anyways. He was there to loosen up, forget about others and focus on improving himself.

He picks the furthest mat from the others and starts his own stretching there, until someone approaches his side and starts their own stretching as well. "Hello!" The other person starts. But Jiang Cheng didn't wanna answer, was he being paid to answer greetings?

"But don't you want to improve your own mental health? Why not make friends?"


"Hi, to you as well?" Jiang Cheng replies as he turns on his side. "My name is Lan Xichen, I'm new here." The man was taller than him, he smiles at Jiang Cheng and the shorter man could not move, he just stared.

The longer he stared, the more the taller man became confused. "It seems that you're staring?" Lan Xichen tries to point out. "Of course not, I was looking at the other people behind you." Jiang Cheng replies as the comment about him staring grounds him. But there's no other people...?Lan Xichen could only think and chuckle to himself. He grinned at the shorter man and continued his own gym routine.

What the fuck?


"You're really improving. Congratulations A-Cheng." The woman says to Jiang Cheng while the guy only had a nonchalant look. "It was nothing, I'm trying to change after all." His eyes were dead and it seemed like he showed no concentration. "Say, you got a friend? His name was Lan Xichen?"

"He's-... He isn't a friend." Jiang Cheng reluctantly replies. "Then why do you still remember his name?" She pushes. "Because I met him today? So I remember. I'm not some old man who'd forget the people whom he talked with." He says, giving a playful sigh as he sits in a more comfortable position. "Oh, then you did converse with him? You truly have a friend now." She excitedly says. "..." Jiang Cheng could only be speechless. Seems like he can't even lie to his therapist. Well, she is a therapist for a reason-...

"Alright! We're done now, I'll see you next week?" She asks. Jiang Cheng nods as he fixes his things and himself. "I'll see you by then." He waves his right hand as he walks out of the room.

"Me? Have a friend? Unlikely." He blurts out as he walks towards the market. "Not really." Someone replied to him he heard the voice from behind, but when he was about to look, the man was suddenly beside him. "Lan Xichen..?" He was confused. "Yes, and you have me." The man gave him that same smile that made him snap out of reality. "Oh, didn't expect that." He says. Sighing as he walks faster. But the taller man walked in his pace and continued th conversation. "It seems so that you're a bit down." He tries to point out.

"You could say so." Jiang Cheng replied. "What is it that bothers you? I may be of help." The Lan suggests. But should the Jiang trust someone he just met? Yes, he felt comfort in those words, but can he really trust the guy? "It's, really personal. Honestly saying I'm not sure if I can tell you yet." Jiang Cheng meets Lan Xichen's eyes, at some point they stopped walking, with their eyes glued to each other, as if there's something growing inside both peacefully. As if they had something to offer for the other. The Lan broke the contact by looking up, then reconnects their eyes once more. "Then I'll surely wait until it's time. Your name?"

"Jiang Wanyin."

A Little Depressed at the Moment {XiCheng}Where stories live. Discover now