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Estrella pov

We're getting ready for the first Hogsmeade trip of the year and I along with Sirius have blockade the mirrors in our dorm room.

"I really don't understand you Blacks," Remus says, making me cast him a confused look.

"You're always late to everything because you spend so much time fusing over how you look," Remus complains.

"We do it because we know that no one will love us if we're unattractive," I say, my mother's voice saying that phrase repeats itself like a broken record in my head, all day, everyday.

"And being late to events is a way of showing your wealth without saying something. Pureblood parties often start late and end in the early morning hours. It's a way to separate the rich from the wealthy as if you have work in the morning you need to leave earlier and basically do a walk of shame," I explain.

"Oh my god, I swear every time I learn something new regarding the Pureblood world it always successfully makes me go what the fuck," Marlene says and in less than 3 seconds Lily has hurled one of her shoes at Marlene's head.

"Language," Lily scolds.

"The girl has gotten tortured by an unforgivable multiple time I'm sure she can handle the word fuck Lily," Marlene justifies.

"Damn blondie is brave," Sirius mind links.

"Yeah but she is also right," I answer. We turn to each other, sharing a look.

"Oh you to quit that mind linking Black family magic stuff," Remus says, making us turn back to the mirror and finish getting ready.


Sirius pov

"I just love the smell of Hogsmeade in Autumn, there is nothing that beats the first trip," I say.

"True," James agrees.

"Yeah but it's our last year, so it's our last, first trip of the year," Peter says.

"Cheer up mate, we can visit whenever we want to when we are done with school," James says.

"As long as you don't get a boring office job at the Ministry and your sad boss makes you slave all weekend," I say.

"I'm just glad we get to visit Hogsmeade given everything that's going on, and don't worry Pete there are worse fates than office jobs. Even if these two don't believe it," Remus says, casting me and James a look.

"Speaking of fate isn't that Red," I point out.

"Lily," James calls and makes his way over to her.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to hearing him say Lily instead of Evans," I say.

"Just imagine when you have to call her Potter," Remus says.

"Wait, you really think they would," Peter questions.

"Just look at them, there is your answer," Remus says.

"She better appreciate him," I say.

"I am sure she does Pads," Remus responds.

"Are we still going to Spintwitches, you needed new gloves," Peter asks.

"No that wasn't me, that was Prongs," I respond.

"El capitano really gave his gear a run for its money this summer before you guys arrived. We better catch up with the love birds later and go there together," I say.

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