Did Cream Die?!

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Cream's pov 

I wake to the sight of "tails" pacing and looking very worried. then he looked over at me and said:

Tails: CREAM! Oh your awake Im so relieved, I thought you had died on me for a second.

Sonic: tails is cream awake yett... Cream your...

Cream: what happened?

Tails: Im not sure, but I think that your body just entered into: *tails talking in the background without cream paying attention*

Cream: um tails, do you think ill be fine?

Tails: well now that the hospital is gone...

Cream: gone?!

Sonic: yep burned to the ground.

Cream: what? But how, and... who?

Amy: eggman who else?

Cream: you mean...?

Tails: right now there is a much stronger eggman than we have ever fought, and it seems like he is getting smarter as well as stronger!

Cream: so all of this happened, while I was asleep???

Tails: yep but don't worry me, and sonic where able to rescue you before you ended up: burnt to a crisp in that building. thank the lord sonic was there in time!

Cream: thank you tails, and you to sonic.

Sonic: don't thank me cream.

Tails: no I think that you should cream! because I think that if sonic wasn't there, well... I might not be here either.

Sonic: you know I'd do anything for you little bud.

Tails: yeah.

A few minutes later the conversation dies down and there is an award silence in the room

SonicXamy: sooo...

Cream: tails I want to know, how bad is it?

Tails: so far as I can tell your doing fine, and should make a full recovery but there is still a 47% chance of you well I don't want to come out and say but you know what I mean:

Cream: so there is a 47% chance that I will die!

Tails: now now don't be to worried...! that is one of the worst things to do right now... plus I don't know how accurate these states are, so I'll have to do some more tests. but don't you worry.  now that they told me the problem I can take care of you just as good as any hospital

Cream: thank you tails

That night:

Tails: hey cream are you awake?

I sit up

Cream: yeah

Tails: how do you feel?

Cream: not so good, to be completely honest.

Tails: here.

He hands me some warm soup and says:

Tails: now you eat that and go to sleep and you should feel 10x better

Cream: thank you for doing this for me tails

Tails: Anytime cream... Anytime

The next day:

Tails: cream how do you feel?

Cream: I feel better than last night... but I do feel a little light headed

Tails: good that means that the medicine that I made for you last night is working now all you need is to keep improving like this and you will be in complete health in no time

Cream: yeah I know I've said it like 100 time but thank you tails

Tails: your welcome cream it is an honor to take care of such a beautiful patient

Cream: *blushing* thank you tails you know I will miss this when it is all over

Tails: me to I will definitely miss you just here and me being able to talk to you anytime and to be alone

Cream: yeah this is kinda fun

Tails: same oh yeah speaking of alone someone is here to see you

Cream: really who could...

Vanilla walks in

Cream: Mom

Vanilla: oh cream my dear are you alright

Cream: Im fine mom especially here with tails

Vanilla: oh yeah I want to thank you again tails for doing this you have no idea how much this

Tails: no no  you have no idea how much you and cream mean to me you don't have to thank me I'll gladly do this anytime of day in any situation I'm just honored to be here helping the people I care about

Cream: wow tails that is so sweet of you

Vanilla: yes it is a very nice and generous thing your doing

Tails: Um thanks mis vanilla

Vanilla: so tails when do you think she will be able to come home

Tails: soon hopefully that is if everything goes to plan

Cream: well I trust that you know what you are doing tails...

Later that day

Cream: tails

Tails: yeah

Cream: Im scared

Tails: well don't be cream

We hug and this was an amazing moment between us and there was nothing that could let her ever slip away from me no not again I will protect you cream at all costs I thought as we sat there in each others embrace

The end of this chapter

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