The Races Chpt. 1

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Mayfair, 1814:

Esther always found it fit for a young lady to do what she longed for, as long as the eyes of society could be shielded. Which is why she chose to go on her morning ride at dawn each day, free from the watchful Ton. The only time she felt her worries subside was on the back of Lucky, the beautiful Percheron horse belonging to her family. She ran her hand across his sleek, pale coat while he huffed at her in fulfillment. Afar, an abnormally large and equally beautiful oak tree approached from the horizon.


Esther: "Perhaps this is the place for a swift read, huh Lucky?"

Lucky was her favorite company, as Esther didn't have many friends to reside with.

She wrestled to tie him down to the tree's crooked branches and threw open her satchel. A copy of Byron's The Corsair and Whistledown's recent article were pulled from the bag. Sprawling in the soft moss, Esther settled for her favorite time of the morning.

* * *

The sun seeped through the trees and only when the bustling of nearby town folk startled Esther from her trance, did she realize how late it was. With her mother in mind, she plucked a handful of wild lilies from a nearby patch and rode home swiftly and clumsily. Mud splattered across her dress hems as Lucky galloped through a puddle. She winced at the stained lace, although somehow her shoes managed to remain unsoiled. Her rustic boots contrasted the white lace of her morning gown so intensely, that if any member of the Ton had taken a good look, her fashion sense would have undoubtedly caused a scene.

Esther eventually reached the stables and handed Lucky's lead off to the stableboy, only to be frightened by the nearby sound of approaching footsteps. She swung her head around to meet the gaze of her brother. 


Benedict: "Only me sister."

Esther: "You gave me a fright, I thought Mama had found me in this state."

Benedict: "And quite a state it is..."

He looked down at her dress and pointed to the muddy mess below her knees. The bottom of her morning gown was engulfed with wet, sticky mud.


Esther (Laughing): "Yes, I rode through a puddle, although I rather like it this way, don't you think?"

She twirled around in a circle, and laughed at the silliness of her situation. Benedict smirked.

Benedict: "I think you should tidy up. The Races start shortly."

The races were today? How could she have forgotten? The past week she had accompanied her mother to the modiste several times in preparation and alteration of her new silk redingote. Amidst the business of the courting season, Esther had lost all recollection of the event.

Esther: "The Races, I nearly forgot!"

Shoving past him, she sprinted inside. Esther made her way up the foyer stairs in such a manner that her lady maid, Caroline, heard the stomping and followed her to the hall.


Caroline: "Miss, shouldn't you be dressed by now?"

Esther: "Yes, I shall be shortly... would you draw me a bath Caroline? I find myself caked with mud.

Caroline: "I see that. Have you been out riding again?

She stopped and turned towards Caroline. Esther teetered back and forth on her toes in a playful way. Her hands stayed tucked behind her back while she grinned at Caroline.

Love, Esther ♡ A Bridgerton Love storyWhere stories live. Discover now