Episode 3 Part 4

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[Unknown location - Unknown time]

After Yukari fell down and lost consciousness after her motorcycle chase, she quickly reopened her eyes.

However, she was no longer sprawled out on an all-metal street, but instead inside of a dark room. Indicating some time had passed.

But what was worse is that she didn't know where on Earth she was.

She was on some cushy surface, like a cushion of some kind, like a giant pillow of some kind.

"You're finally awake"

"AH! WHERE AM I? WHO ARE YOU?!" Yukari shouted

Instant distress enveloped her like a tidal wave.

Would she be tortured, doomed to a slow death?

"You tried to cross the border right?"

In an instant all of the tension in the room faded, allowing Yukari to relax a little.

"....skyrim?" Yukari said.

"Correct" Carm's voice responded


"Am I going to be interrogated? Because i will spare you the trouble and say that I am not going to spill anything. Whether you're my boyfriend or not." Yukari said.

"No." Carm simply said.

"Alright... then uh.... Why am I here?" Yukari then said

"You skinned your forehead when you fell off the motorbike after that little chase you did. I took it into my own hands to administer proper medical treatment" Carm said.

Yukari immediately felt her forehead

It turned out that the "medical treatment" in question was actually a SpongeBob bandaid that got slapped on top of a cut.

".... Seriously? Does that even count as medical treatment?" Yukari said

"Yes" Carm said.

"Well... uh.... Where am I? And is this your bed?...." Yukari said, momentarily sitting up.

"Really? It's... uh.... cushy... and stuff, like an actual bed." Yukari said, still disoriented

"Yeah. Did you expect me to sleep in my tank?"

"Maybe not your tank per se. You seem like the kind of guy that would make a hammock out of chains and use a wet towel for a blanket." Yukari said

Carm blinked

"Girly I ain't a masochist" he said

Clearly, this was a weird way to have a conversation.

Both heavily introverted and socially awkward conversation participants both seemed to momentarily shut up as they strategized their next move


"So uh...." Yukari said, breaking the heavy silence

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