I'd Like To Make One Thing Clear (Ch 1)

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I never drinked Shanti before this party nor did I  ever drink Anandoe.  Maddyra was looking at me, with wild concern and untidy eyes, flicking all over me. ¨You don't have to do this. You shall not.¨ I give her no knowledge and look at the cocktails before me. 

Most sane folks don't drink Shanti or Anandoe. Every one with at least  one tiny itty-bitty shred of sanity doesn ' t mix them together and chugg them like a Ranee player drinking water after a match. 

And here I am.

The crowd jeers at me, mostly filled with bored men who don't feel the need to dance with their lovestruck ladys. 

 ¨Drink it like it's your ticket straight to the Gods¨!

 ¨ I'll  pay you twenty janahs¨.

  ¨Are you a weakling¨?


And another of ¨CHUG, CHUG, CHUG, CHUG¨.!

Maddyra gave me one last warning filled look before ghosting into the ballroom, her sparkly dress trim the last thing I see.

I grab hold of my vibrant purple concoction, many cheering for the progress.

And I chugg. 

An astonishing cheer going up in the ballroom and dining area where I am primly sitting.  Janahs thrown everywhere and many high fiving for possibly the best party they had witnessed. 

 I get up albeit dizzy,and whoozy  I feel the best I ever have like I'm in a cloud floating, never coming down to these foolish mortals, like I could crush their tiny souls with my pinky and thumb.Like a god.I revel in this feeling. Going into the dancefloor to find Maddyra only to somehow be dragged into several numbers. My low waisted dress with a wide bottom swishing in time with the music. I feel so happy like my life never had downs,  just the ups, like there ' s a bell with heavenly chimes ringing forever in my ears breaking my ear drums but I feel like this is normal ,another part of life, having your ear drums broken.

I move on another dance partner this time. 

Him whispering the lyrics of the song in my ear. ¨ If the dead grieve, if the gods could have mercy; perhaps maybe they will not curse me. Help me would you, please¨.  

I find myself saying I would help him even if it's just a song.

¨We shall be judged unworthy. And go in with the daemons,  together we shall be none. But a lonely outrageous whisper in the cold night air. Only if the gods will not curse me¨

I feel so tired all of a sudden, like my feet don ' t hurt, but my bones are heavy and are showing through my skin.

I catch an familiar eye while still dancing with my singing partner. 


Her eyes widens; just as my head starts to flop and my eyes black out.


I wake up in the infirmary, Maddyra's hand stroking mine gently.

She notices me awake and calls for the apothecary.

¨You were really drunk Val. You threw up on your partner. Even after you blacked out you were throwing up and spasming.¨ ¨ I warned you"She sighs. 

¨I think that's the hundredth time you sighed at me¨. 

She looks at me with an amused face as if to say why am I friends with this idiot.

The apothecary comes over and does a quick check up. Maddyra did most of the talking. 

I watch her nodding, talking when needed.

The apothecary gives me small bag with three liquids one a blue-ish jelly like liquid, another with a very faint purple tint and the last clear as water. He seems to have decided that I am not stable enough to take care of three glass vials and hands them to Maddyra.

¨Take her straight to her room and give her plenty of bedrest give her the liquids when needed¨ Maddyra nods in agreement.

¨ You really shouldn't have drinked those Val¨ 

¨ I know and i simply don't care                                        ¨ Really Val ¨ She once again sighs in irritation.

I give her the most lopsided smile I can muster and lean against her.

I trip once or twice, Maddy being there to help me up. I get some odd looks from the palace maids and knights walking the halls.

"You know Lee'an'nee recently confirmed the rumors of her affair with Leanader"

"No" .

 "Yes". She responds back





We both corrupt into laughter that soon turns into gasps. 

Poor Leanader. We knew all along. Along with his new baby cousin. 

Who most definitely isn't his illegitimate child

I think about what he will do. 

"Do you think I Leanader will accept him as his own" I murmur quite curiously. "Well" Maddy gasps out with a distant look in her eyes. "It most certainly will add some shine to the palace"

She bids me a quick goodbye and leaves me the vials. 

As I read the labels on them.

The Blue-ish one for any lasting desire for the cocktail, purple for Incase I throw up again, and the clear one any sleeping problems.Too much of any of them will result in serious sickness or most likely death.

I don't feel the need to use any of them so I just collapse on my embroidered quilt bed. Immediately drifting off to sleep.


I wake up to see an note from my father left on my bedside table.

Dear Valkyrie Iraera Lani,

I am off to a trip in the Renanél Oceans.

oh. OH NO. GODS NO. PLEASE NO. I force myself to continue reading a trip to the Renanél oceans is suicide. My father can never go there while i'm alive.

I can feel my heart thumping rapidly in my chest, and hear sharp intakes of my breath. 

I am not sure how long I will be away for nor if i make it back in good shape or even make it back.I recently updated my will and had talked to Mister.Ruelle about my funeral plans, just in case.I will leave you and your sister a choice in the will I will assume you two will pick properly. I know this sounds like my last word to you but I promise that I will make it back alive.

From your dad .

*side note from the author , I am yet to upload a cover so you'll have to wait a while for that I plan on giving this a cover in about half a week or so. 

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