Chapter 16:Families are such a drag

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Koutaro:Most likely for his own twisted desires...

Kumagawa:[Oya? That's an interesting way to put it. Csn I take it that you and this Priest had known each other for a while now?]

Koutaro:...You could say that.

Koutaro was the first one to enter the room, followed by both Akira and Kumagawa. The rook was rather simple, with two pliable chairs on their side, the sides they were on and the side of the ghoul divided by reinforced glass.

On the other side stood an eldery man with white hair, as well as a gothee, and blue eyes. His name was Donato Porpora.

Donato:Oh my...Oh my...Who might it be? It's been a while, hasn't it? Koutaro, my beloved son.

Donato stepped out of the dark bare feeted with a smile on his face, gaining an glare from Koutaro. Kumagawa found this situation to be very interesting.

Donato:Long time no see, Koutaro. You won't even come to see your poor father's face anymore.

Koutaro:Be quite. I don't think of you as a father.

Donato:Fu...How ungrateful...Congrats. You've been promoted, haven't you? What happened to him? That man alike a Death God? Your previous partner?

Koutaro:...It's unecesarry to answer.

Donato looked Koutaro straight in the eyes before humming. This boy still can't hide his emotions very well, something that, unkown to him, Kumagawa thought as well.

Koutaro:He's just as always.


Koutaro was knocked out of his yrance by that voice. He immediatly straightened up to listen to Kureo.

Kureo:If I learned something from seeing how things differentiate from our own version, is that you shouldn't be too caught up in the past. Irritation and spite of such level just gives him power over you.

Kureo should know better than anyone. Those things got him killed at the end of the day.

Koutaro:I understand, Mado-san!

Kureo:Also, while the Priest might be an utter scum, he does have a point. You need to work at managimg your emotions.

Koutaro certainly has the attitude and combat abilities needed of an investigator. However, he severly lacks shrewdness.

Donato:So he's still alive an active at that age? Impressive, he really is rather skilled. So you've just been broken up by the higher ups? Well, those sort of things tend to happen. At least now you're guiding your kouhais.

Kumagawa:[Ah, that reminds me of my high school days. Those kouhais of mine were so cute. Even when they tazed, poured acide, shot me and tortured me.]

Kumagawa closed his eyes, letting out a melancholic sigh with a content smile on his face. The reactions he got were concerned looks from Koutaro and Akira, and an amused grin from Donato.

Akira:What...What kind of high school have you gone to?

Kumagawa:[Oh, don't be so worried. They were blank rounds. Although it sucked she shot me in the head with that snipper riffle.]

Akira:That's still very dangerous! And the shooting was still among the lesser acts of shat you just mentioned!

Kumagawa:[That is just the Hakoniwa style! Oh, how many students ended up in hospital with broken bones, stab wounds or after being blown up by the Disciplinary Comitee...Fourtunately, we had a real big budget.]

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