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For every right
with which we were embroidered by the Universal Declaration,
just one is left to us:
"You have the right
to remain silent".
Of every promise
they trumpeted after victory,
just this one prevails:
"Anything you say
can and will be used against you".
And the democracy:
fine, thanks.
And the Utopia:
till another day.
And the great avenues
(with no avenue to come close)
are open and closed
without pain or glory,
till the end of times,
the end of history,
the end.
(Dialectics, they call it.)
Then you have to rewind
the tape and set a new start.
Or an old one.
But there is no more.
In this tiny, blue orb
(or red, according to the case)
there is no more than this.
Didn't you know it?
Really didn't you know it?
What a happiness must be felt.
Waking up every day with a purpose
into a cage
lost in the universe.
No problem.
When it comes to such candent issues,
you have the right to remain silent,
and anything you say
can o will be used
against you.

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