Visual Effects

2 1 0

I am here because of the images, not the words.
Words are only slippering shadows
on a white background,
with no other substance than tiny lines
drawing an idea or a notion overly abstract
for arousing the slightest visual excitement.
I am here for colors and shapes flashing
before some eyes absorbing and drinking them
as a fine wine put at hand
and poured out in a glass.
Words never covered spaces
nor throbbed in the madness of pixels oversaturated
by the digital pen.
They remained dull and scattered in their corner,
as an old Lego that requires to be assembled step by step
in perfect synchrony with an entelechy
that rushes too fast to try decoding it.
I was called up by the chromatic siren with its chant
of textures and contrasts, with its promises
of delightful and fascination.
Words are only a monotone ballast
hanging just a little bit lower,
dim bunches entangled in a foliage
of pale figures to read and decipher
when the time pushes more
and the synapse slows down in the hypoglycemic macma.
I am here because of the images, not the words.
Going through sentence after sentence over a page
it's just the fleeting effect
of an intellectual hangover
before throwing up the last waste of the century.

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