18: the plan

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Lala sat on the rooftop of an old business in the heart of Rio

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Lala sat on the rooftop of an old business in the heart of Rio. Her legs were crossed and her head leaned back against the back of somebody else. She sighed softly and crossed one leg over the other.

"So how'd you do it?" He asked after sitting in silence for a while.

She closed her eyes and tilted her head towards the Brazilian heat. "Do what?"

"Die...stay dead...for so long." He mumbled while messing with rocks by his feet.

"Tej." She sat up and turned to him. "It's complicated, I didn't want to keep it from everyone but I had to. It was to protect myself and my family. You understand that, right?"

He sighed deeply, "I understand. I'm not sure O'Conner does, though." He opened his mouth to take back what he said but was cut off by everyone counting off their marks.

Lala rose to her feet and grabbed her binoculars. "I'll check in." She made her way over to the railing and scanned the area for the fifth mark. Finally, she found it. Her finger pressed the side of the walkie. "We got eyes on five."

Tej walked along the railing, tracking its drop point. "Lala, is that...?"

"The fucking police station." She confirmed in irritation and passed the walkie to Tej, kicking a pile of rocks.

"I know y'all said they were consolidating the money somewhere, but y'all ain't going to believe this." Tej spoke into the walkie as they stared at the station that was crawling with cops.

Not long after, the two were joined by the rest of the crew. Lala stood in her unspoken position between Dom and Brian with her arms set on her hips. She stared blankly ahead at the police station, feeling defeated before the job could really begin.

"Well this job just got a lot harder." Brian voiced everyone's thoughts from beside her. His arm brushed against hers lightly, goosebumps following the trail of where they touched briefly.

"If he's moving it into a police station he's got some serious brass in his pocket."

Lala stepped forward slightly and scanned the area. "I told y'all, he's a god here."

"Parece que esto va a ser un viaje más corto de lo que pensaba." Tego spoke from the end of the group with Santo agreeing, denying the group's ability to pull this off. (tr: Looks like this is going to be a shorter trip than I thought.)

"Can't? You mean shouldn't." Han disagreed with the other two men, gaining the attention of Gisele whom found the man intriguing.

"I think this doesn't change a thing. I say we stick to the plan." Dom states and Lala nods in agreement.

Of course, Rome didn't have the same standpoint as Dom yet again. "You say what? This just went from Mission Impossible to Mission In-Freaking-Sanity."

"You scared, Romey?" Lala poked his stomach with a giggle.

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